Nobu     Created on Tuesday, 06 March 2012 04:43  

My story is very simple; I grew up in a humble town to very humble, but loving parents. I had one sibling who was younger than me, Jasna.  When I was growing up, my folks learn that, I and my sister had great gifts.  They taught us the ways of the family, how to farm for what we needed. My sister learned of the ways of the healer, and I learn the ways of Divinations.

Over time, as we grew older, our knowledge became greater. Our parents pass away and we came to the city of Koguyro.  I bought my younger sister to the city with me, to be able to watch over her.  We both met quite a few people, but we each had one person that we forge a close bond with. They both share our deep need of being there for others, helping people any chance we can get, and just plainly being a great human. For me, this was Dokara, and for her, it was Aurorine.

As the moons pass, we grew older and started to go down our own paths. She went with the way of the Monks, and I want the way of the Diviners. Another thing was different was well. Because of each other, we met someone each, that we fell in love with. I feel in love with Aurorine and she fell in love with Dokara.  Over time, we marry the person we fell in love with and grew our new family here.

Since I am the eldest, I am here watching over them. Making sure my family is doing what is right. And I am always proud of my wife, my sister, and my brother-in-law. Together, we farm to make a living, and one day at a time, we try to make this place better showing that there are indeed, good people left around.


Fujihara Nobu

Dark Gwa-Gu