Berig     Created on Tuesday, 29 August 2006 02:56  

My beginnings occured not here but in a land far away..the  land of the celts, the ancient druids and a land lost to the  waves.  I was born to a time shrouded in mists, to a people lost  forever in the past.  My mother and father were ancient celtic  shaman of royal birth and I was born a tangol mudang but this  was not to be known to me until much much later in my life.   Before my birth, there was a terrible earthquake and my native  land was lost to the ocean.  My father went with it but my  mother escaped to an island which lay close to the land.  This  land came to be known later as Briton, the island of the  Mighty.  My mother later died giving birth to me, I never knew  her or my father and even now, they are only visions to me,  thoughts in my mind.  On that day I was fortunate to be seen by  my spirit gaurdian Astra, a sky hawk. 

   As the story goes, Astra led a nearbye villager to me and I  was raised by a foster mother, Vevina.  Later I was cast out  when they learned of my shamanic background, they thought me an  evil sorceress, a demon spirit...this I was not.  I was  abandoned and traveled the lands, even across the great waters.   At one point, right after I had left Briton I came to a land  of vastness, it seemed to never end but as I traveled the  changes were so great as to make one think they had entered  another world.  The people I met knew nothing of the druids and  the bards of Briton or of the royal families, they were crude  and looked upon me in awe for they say I was different.  My  features were fine, graceful and delicate and they seemed to be  without age, timeless.  I felt as a smoldering flame trapped  inside the fine form of a woman but I seemed to be in the  wrong place..the wrong time..I needed to find my family and  ultimately myself.  As I traveled I saw forests, jungles,  deserts, mountains, vast lakes and oceans.  It seemed like many  seperate worlds and then I finally came to a strange land, the  people had eyes which pierced my soul and faces which only  showed emotion when needed, I was drawn to them.  I came to a  land called Buya in the native tongue and I settled there,  learned the language and later..met a strange woman.  This woman, who's name is lost to me now, had a strange aura about her, I was drawn to her by a bond older than time, her spirit called to me and I followed...  She took me to a Valley  which emanated with other-worldly power, this was the Valley of the Mudang, my home.  I became plagued one day with visions of the past and I sought my Dohsa, Widget, to ask her for a ritual to help me cleanse my mind of the visions.  She spoke of Sister Strigoi and the Medicine Wheel and as I ascended the  wheel I found the visions to be messages from the other realm, messages from a spirit who once graced this realm, a father.

   I took up my ritual fans, an ancient tradition of my people,  and with these tools I performed a sacred celtic ritual to  release my spirit.  I traveled to the other realm in search of  my father, and I found him.  It was a shock to see him, I had  known what my people were truly like and for once I understood  why we were different.  His face was like the sun, radiant and  expressive, his eyes like deep pools of mystery and time, his  skin perfection was made of the finest and softest sands.  As he  spoke my name I understood at once who he was, who I was and  who my people were.  We were eternal.   My father died at the  early age of 394 and he looked like a man in the prime of his  life, regal and handsome. he called me by my sacred name "Mebh  Edana" and I told him that I was known now as Maevalia Edana.I  was the keeper of the old memories and then he spoke the name of  my family, one we had gone by for thousands of years...with  his last whisper he left me and I have not heard his voice  since.  I am Emrys.....Emryssienn to some, I hold the memories of my ancient land, lost forever, and of my bloodline.  Their voices echo in my head.