Berig     Created on Monday, 02 May 2005 20:34  
  Poor has never been what anyone would call 'normal' or 'sane' for that matter. His history is spotted at best, as he has a great fondless for the consuming of fine alcoholic drinks. As he tells it, after a night of good ole fashion hard drinking, he began walking from his home. He cannot say how long or how far he wandered, but he awake one day curled up in the palace of Buya.
After a verbal spat with the local palace guards, he found himself tossed out on his rear into the slums of Buya. From there, he had little other choice, he had to make it back to his home...the problem was he had no idea where it was anymore! He had finally drank himself utterly a degree (It's widely rumored he just simply doesnt want to go home). Much to his amazement, the gods had a fate for him, making him walk the line of poets, further more that of the Druid. Poor still scratches his head at that, since he's hardly a helpful soul, nor is he neutral on most every stance.
Poor has spent time in all walks of life; He spent some time as a officer in the military in Nagnang, as well as been a part of various clans, but most of Poor's time is spent being a drunken bum.

But how does Poor fit into the Dorkus family? Well thats a whole story unto itself. See, Poor has a habit of just sitting around, sometimes for days on end. Don't call it meditation, or resting, he sits because he has nothing else to do. This has made him good friends, as well as enemies (don't ask me how though, who could hate a man for just sitting?!). He didn't meet the Dorkus family members by being rescued by them, he didnt meet them by being a storyteller. He just started hanging around and never really left. This describes most of what Poor's life has been like.

Poor's duties within the family are...estranged to say the least, as nobody is sure exactly what he does. It's highly rumored that he just sits around and once in awhile putting his oppinion in a conversation to reasure everyone he is'nt dead yet. Occasionally he'll listen to his drinking buddies tell their tales, but mostly Poor is the one who'se doing the talking, while the other Dorkus family members write it down. It's suspected that not a single Dorkus family member want him around, as he's quite useless. But making Poor leave a place he's comfortable in (and is well stocked in all manners of booze) is damned near impossible. Thus, they're started taking bets on just how long he'll live.

Family Tree

(Key: ~ marriage
| offspring
d deceased
~~ Bloodbrother
*adopted )

Maximus(d) ~ Liason(d)
| |
Demachi (Head) ~ Greenfairy *Hatsuhara ~~ Diskord
| | * Poor
Gypsylad Donut