Berig     Created on Thursday, 28 April 2005 21:11  

Winds blow wildly, sending a breeze of calmness and clarity; bringing a scent of knowledge with it. My family is as that wind - a piercing and keen force. And with us, we hold a sleu of strange tales, folk lore along with various other tid-bits that we have picked up on our journies. The original head of the family, Demachi's father, would spout random tales of wonderous adventures while his wife would pound upon jars, proclaiming her rendition of the tale was more accurate. When they both passed on, they passed with them the same thirst for knowledge with them to their son. That same yearning flows through the veins of my family, the Dorkus. We collect every tale, be it fact or arguably fiction, archiving and filing to pass it onto our children; in hopes they will continue the Dorkus tradition.


The meaning behind the name "Dorkus" is enshrouded with odd tales, also. Originally it was thought to have been the name of my father's first ship, which he would sail into strange lands collecting stranger items and stories. After much research, however, it's root word, Dork, roughly translates to "uncommon knowledge," with the suffix "us," it gives a meaning of "those with uncommon knowledge." It perfectly describes our plight, thusly has stuck with us.


We hold true to our old ways and are known to go out of our way if a random stranger is seemingly shouting nonsense. While we do listen in and take note of strange occurances - we always explore to verify such to be sure they are spoken in truth. That said, any family member's notes is respected among the entire family as being truthful -- trust is deeply held with family members. We come to the aid of our family when called upon and are always willing to offer our knowledge, however trivial. We are close-knitted and loving, putting everything aside for eachother and spend much of our time retelling our historical achievments, or newly found ideas and mannerisms.

~Family Tree

(Key: ~ marriage
| offspring
d deceased
~~ Bloodbrother
*adopted )

Maximus(d) ~ Liason(d)
Demachi (Head) ~ Greenfairy *Hatsuhara ~~ Diskord

(/)aster (/)use |)ork