Berig     Created on Sunday, 20 February 2005 12:40  
  Simfis A'Detten.

As the son of Ri A'Detten and Derayi Dogoma, my life thus far has
been no cake walk. My father, a compulsive gambler, and dishonest
man lead me to struggle with my name. My mother on the otherhand
loved him regardless, and would do as much as she could to save face.
I have found comfort with my mother's family, the Dogoma Line. My
much older and wiser cousin, Fyetter has guided me in the ways of
right and truth after the passing of my mother. We have had many
talks together speaking of the importance of family, and being a good
citizen. I would like to think I have contributed my part to society by
aiding in the arts of the kingdoms as a muse. Perhaps I could do
better here or there, but my cousin told me to strive for being happy
with myself. I look up to my Cousin Pickle more than many may know,
and will always see him as a very dear person. He has taught me to
embrace the attributes for the arts my mother possessed, and to show
the world really is "Simfis A'Detten."

Signed, S. A'Detten