Berig     Created on Tuesday, 10 May 2005 14:49  

Fire spread across my home...
My family could not escape the flames...
Screams of my beloved family...

There are no words able to explain the pain that was within my heart when I lost my family. My mother and father were the only ones that I had in my life, I was alone the day they died. I wandered the wilderness not knowing where I belong, what to do, or even if I will live to see the light of the next day.

I wandered to the artic land's smith and entered looking around, I was planning to steal a few chunks of metal to sell. I entered not seeing the sight of another face, and right when I was reaching for the metal I heard a voice. I whipped around to see a young man standing in front of my very eyes. He looked strangely familiar, I looked into his eyes for a couple moments and then hid my face full of dirt in my arm.

"Why are you stealing?" he asked me in a low toned but friendly voice.

"uh Im not," I replied quickly.

"Oh, well thats good, stealing is bad."

I nodded.

"Well you look hungry, let me take you to the inn, I have some food stored there that you could eat."

I did not know what to do, I was very hungry.

The young man looked me up and down, then took a spring dress out of his knap sack and tossed it towards me.

"You look like you need some clean clothes."

I did not know what to say, why was this stranger being so nice to me?

"Follow me sister, I will help you get back on track."

I Gasped, "sister? what... you are my brother? What?"

He nodded.

"The fire... the... why have you not come to the house?! Why did you abandon the family?" A rush of anger came through my veins and spread all through out my body.

"Come with me."

He took me, and explained to me his past and what happened between him and my parents. He had been looking for me for quite some time, and was happy he finally found me.

I pray and thank the heavens for bringing my brother back to me everyday, he saved my life.

-Ruth Dogoma
