Berig     Created on Friday, 04 March 2005 17:18  
  * a tiny dove drops a small parcel in your lap,
the shiny red paper eagerly catches your eye..*

For whom this may concern...

Dinera. My kin and my blood, it all flows through my veins.
I am called Endless, or "Scars" if you may prefer. I'm not
like the parents I never knew...or my wealthy aunt and uncle
I heard stories about. I am a devoted follower of the arts and
it was when I joined the Buyan Muse Guild that I found my
sister, Songa. I knew we had to much in common..

Songa and I bonded, it was later that we were confronted by
our eldest cousin, Ciara. She informed us that she was looking
for her brother who seemed to be wandering around in this area.
I could tell from first sight that this young woman was related
to us, the way her eyes sparkled the same way Songa's do.
And that Tengo kid, as odd as he is...I can still find love in my
heart for him.

Now that I know at least I'm not alone in my journey. . .

. . . Everything fits perfectly`

~Endless "Scars" Dinera`
(/use of Lost Thought~