Berig     Created on Sunday, 20 November 2005 17:51  
When our town was invaded, it was the most unpleasant scene that you ever witnessed. Everyone didn't know what to do besides grab what they would need to survive, and start heading away from the chaos that was arising.

I told MagickBliss that we couldn't worry about bringing valuables, that we could only bring food and clothing, so that it would be a little easier for us to travel. During our departure I noticed that I lost my sister Magick Canotra.

I started to go back towards the battle to see if I could see where I had lost her. Getting closer to the battle was just too hard. There were loud screams, people running away with blood all over themselves. So I couldn't go in any farther, so I turned back around. I wasn't sure if she was alive or not. So I just had to move onwards, not knowing what layed ahead of me.

There were many nights that I just couldn't sleep. I just couldn't imagine the loss of my sister. I kept thinking though, there can be a chance that she is ok.

As I was heading on my travels one day. I noticed something I have not seen ever since I left my home town Hausson. There was a city in the distance. As I was approaching I could see familiar faces that I noticed. It was the Nukoric family. RCMP and JetBooster. They told me that MagickBliss was there. After hearing that news, I was so happy that I started to cry with tears of joy.

 They were showing me all around Kugnae, introducing me to there new friends. They are all so warming, and took me in right away, as if I knew them as long as I knew my family, and my good friends, RCMP, and JetBooster.

We finally came to where they have been staying. They let me go in to see my sister. I just never thought that day would've come, since I gave up hope. 

RCMP, JetBooster, and MagickBliss, all explained to me what they have done with our names. Since there were not that many of our family members that have either, made it back yet, or went to the better known place after this existence.

They showed me the tree in Kugnae, while starring at it. I could only think of the one thing. That was to be able to see my sister MagickBliss again.