Berig     Created on Wednesday, 11 May 2005 19:11  
  *Sun rises* *Sun's ray's glance through the little hut of Darbac*
*Darbac sits himself down and picks up fresh squid ink and paper*

Where do I start...Darbac, that is what my mother Noldar and father Tsung named me at birth. I grew up in a little town of Koguryo that was controlled by the Baenre Family. Father always told me and my siblings that our family was the first house of Kugnae as well as a prestige family to be part of. He was never around most of the time, as he had to take the side of my uncle Mals who was the head of the Baenre family. Mother told me that father Tsung was one of the main protectors of our land and his duties to the family called him forth many times. As I grew up, all tactics, skills and ways of life labeled me a rogue. I was fine with that because it suited me well. Still in my young days, I would of never thought such upcoming events would unfold as when they have. Ah yes...I remember as if it was yesterday. I felt the hate and dishonor that the royals gave unto us. Father, uncle Mals, and the others left to renew their allegiance to Yuri and fought many victorious battles to vanquish the other families side by side with Prince Mhul and his army that threatened King
Yuri's establishment within the land of Kugnae. As the Baenre fought bravely finally applying their goal onto the people and proving it to King Yuri. Prince Mhul tainted the King's mind that Baenre was as well a great danger and the closest power on overthrowing the royal family, thus finally sentencing the house of Baenre to be exiled from the lands of Koguryo. We packed our belongings and followed our elders to the outskirts of Nagnang, where we established home. Father passed away shortly after our dishonor, uncle Mals was never after his brother's loss. But... that is another story... Here I am, a middle aged man... with no more ink heh...

*Equips his blood* *Puts on his armor*
Time to...gather food...
