Berig     Created on Sunday, 19 June 2005 18:25  
  I come from Jinhan; I was born to one of many lovers of a wandering minstrel named Ksan, in a small town called Jisun. My heritage, although uncertain, does not shame me. When my father visited, he always brought me gifts, for he was not poor. He tried to teach me the ways of the spirit healer, but I had no gift for such pursuits.

At a point, my father finally consented to take me along on a journey through Koguryo to live with my half-sister, Aluria, who was a member of some-or-another guild in the city. I'd been corresponding with her since I found out she existed, and she spoke of many opportunities in Kugnae. Once we arrived, I immediately apprenticed myself within the closed society of the Diviner circle and enlisted in the Koguryo Royal Army. It was in my tenure in those organizations that I was introduced to two important concepts: that of power, and that of politics.

Now, I have certainly always been the thinking type, but the intricate worries of politics had my head spinning. I put such things at the back of my mind, and resolved to gain what power I could in a straightforward and honest manner... hah, sure. That's how I thought it'd work, but there was no cameraderie in either organization when power stood to be gained.

I became fed up with the scheming and false loyalties, not to mention being passed up for promotions in favor of people who enjoyed licking boots much more than I did. I left a friendly goodbye note for both groups, not wanting to be too open about the real reasons I left, and moved down to Nagnang to.. start over, shall we say. At the prompts (or shall I say, curses or jeers) from some of my old comrades-in-arms and path-siblings, I retreated from the public eye for a while, focusing on my new studies of geomancy and meditating to excise the negative energy of hatred hanging around me. I would not allow myself to sink to that level; I knew I was above that sort of filth.

As I began to focus on my physical strength more, attempting to balance out my prowess in other areas, I became acquainted with one Kappo Baenre, who had similar goals to mine. We hit it off well; and by well, I mean we ended up having a small, private wedding ceremony before we knew each other too closely. It was a rash move on both our parts, but not a bad decision at all.

In fact, it was an excellent decision, but that is all I will say about that.

Recently, Kappo read to me the Baenre family history and told me that he wanted me to be known officially as a member of the family, not just as 'that girl Kappo married.' When I heard of such things, it all fit perfectly. I saw so many parallels .. I realized that must be why we understood each other so well.