Berig     Created on Friday, 05 August 2005 22:33  
  I was born as last child of newer branch of great Al-Rassan family; last one of the four sparkling sisters, as other of our family members calls us.
Although youngest, I was never pampered or spoiled in any way, in contrary, as my sisters were already in age when their interests were spread all around, I had no real companion in my childish plays and games, so I spent time on my own a lot, grow up as a tomboy, fighting with children around Buya and wherever the road brought me. I cannot say these days were easy on me, but I guess growing up is hard for each and everyone on some special way Stubborn and hot tempered as I am, what is the trait of all women in our family since ever, I got involved in numerous arguments and adventures of all possible kinds, but the sense of honour and justice which my family holds on dearly and reminds me on it since my every first breath, never left my heart and mind. As I was bigger, I felt urge to improve my skills as fighter and warrior and the traits and virtues my family holds directed me to the circle of honourable Chonguns, where I was trained and taught of many ways how to improve my body and my soul as well, streaming to the greater goals, for a long time in order to reach level of ability which would make me call myself skilled indeed and allow me self-conscious, calm hand and concentrated mind. Today I am proud to wear the title of Sonbae and to serve as one of these noble knights, as well as kindred of glorious Dharma clan of great city of Buya, wonderful place I call my home, glad I finally settled down among friendly people and environment.
Now, when I am an adult woman and life got whole new dimension for me, mainly trough the gentle touch of my beloved husband Talesin, who's love and eternal patience makes perfect balance with my fiery spirit and shining brightly trough my days and nights (*winks*), I feel I am ready to make next step to fulfillment of my own personality and I wish to join my sisters as they wish me to as well, and get the noble name of our family carved in my legend, where I could wear it with honour and proud further to the world, toward new adventures and excitements live would bring me, no doubts.

Thank you kindly for your time,

HariMau De Al-Rassan
* Tigress among Lioness' *