Sinchan     Created on Thursday, 09 October 2003 21:10  
  Removal of a Negative Brand  
So you wish pardoned for your deed?  In order to do so, there are many steps, for I wish to be sure you have proven yourself worthy of being pardoned, and have learned from your experience. A quest of trial and patience, one designed to bring humbleness and worthyness has been designed just for you.  Complete this quest and return to me with what is requested and if you have proven yourself worthy, your pardon will be granted..You are only to seek for the Elder in order to get this brand to be removed.  Also, you need to wait at least 4 yuri's before asking it to be removed.

Siddhartha spent many days and nights in search of answers to bring him knowledge toward inner peace and enlightenment.  During this time of travel and meditation he had many ideas and thoughts.  What are your ideas and thoughts on inner peace.  How could you come to have inner peace within you, and what would you do to ensure those around you had a feeling of peace as well. 

Before we go any further I need to know the exact reason for your brand. Why the offending actions were done and the result of this.

In obstructing inner peace, you have brought a form of disruption to the life of another, and therefore suffering. How did this make you feel?   What could you have done that would have been different and have made the situation have better results.  How would you feel differently.  Given both circumstances, which gave you the better feeling and why? Knowing the hurt you caused another, if the situation were to arise in the future, what would you do differently?

The Eightfold Noble Path shows us the necessity of both apologies and forgiveness- it is simply the right thing to do. It is the eraser, if you will, in order to make adjustments and corrections on the Path. Find the Eightfold Path, and explain what it means, how it can guide you and how you can use it in your daily task to hopefully help refrain you from causing the suffering of another in the future.

Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are the three precious jewels which are matchless.  Explain what each of these mean.  Buddha has 5 morals of conduct. Can you list these and explain them?  What does this list tell you and how can you eventhough you are not a Monk follow these?

Patience is an acquiered trait.  In order to better handle a situation in the future, you need to able to have a fair abundance of patience to help you cope long enough to think things through before acting.  There are many ways to build your patience. The best ways being through repetition, repetition that does not give you any gain - yet is an action that causes a sence of peace within you.  While taking a Vow of Silents, remove all your weapons and hand held items and dress in peasant attire.  Roam through the Kingdom and return to me with 3k flowers gathered by you and you alone.  Do not purchase nor trade for these, but gather them through a peaceful means.
The law of karma, says only this: `for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.' A skillful event is one that is not accompanied by craving, resistance or delusions; an unskillful event is one that is accompanied by any one of those things. (Events are not skillful in themselves, but are so called only in virtue of the mental events that occur with them.)  To make up for the harm done to your karma (seen and unseen karma) your karma needs to be Angel tear or above to proceed.

Following the completion of the above task.  I request a letter written in apology to the person in which you offended and to the Guide that marked  you.  (This letter should be in rp form)
