Devion     Created on Sunday, 16 April 2000 00:00  
  My Findings  
I have worked hard with the guides who have returned to my circle.. Though I feel something is missing I started tallying what we had discovered.

-Know yourself------------------------------------Vexiplex
-Know the lands-----------------------------------SillyLove
-Share wisdom, insight and a helping hand---------Baxaca
-Know others--------------------------------------Lathander
-Train body and mind equally----------------------Greta
-Always be true-----------------------------------Janken
-Mind before hand---------------------------------Flairck
-Walk with the wind under your feet----------------Desvet

Each of the Guides were finding new things through their travels and meditations.  What does this all mean? Its clear before my eyes.. These are the Truths of the Land.. The ones the realm itself is showing us.. I must research more.. But it might be a while before I can truely state if I am right or wrong.

~by now a Novice Scribe~