Silerphix     Created on Thursday, 14 September 2006 19:26  
  The Trial of Heart (A Trying Journey)  
  Twas the summer month of August where the heat was stronger than ever. Everyone in their air conditioned homes while the children played in the streets of town. Families from all over the world have come to visit this town, and all ended with happy memories. However, one happy memory wasn't easy to acheive at all. Silerphix, a Chongun warrior of Nexus had a visit from a friend from the other side of the world. His friend was so beautiful and special that Silerphix fell in love with her immediately. However, he was too shy to admit this feeling to her because of the fact that it might intimidate her. Also, because she will be under his house for a month.

As the days gone by, Silerphix tried to impress this girl with the latest knowledge he had, and reading many tales of his travels to her. However, she wasn't ineterested and ran away from him. Silerphix even taught her some techniques of war for her, and assited her in ways to help her be happy. No response. Silerphix didn't understand why she was doing this to him.

Silerphix, then had an idea! Why not tell her how he felt, and see if she would runaway any longer? Silerphix, immediately wrote a letter to her, and made sure it was perfect for her to read. Silerphix then rushed into her room, and spoke to her about his feelings to her before she read the letter. She smiled and finally gave in. Silerphix was very overjoyed!

Second day came and Silerphix asked the girl about the letter. She grew quiter than ever to him, and just walked away. Silerphix grew quiet too and broke into many tears on the ground. He broke many walls, and cried out to the world his agony over her.

Suddenly, an angel appeared to Silerphix, in his soul. Silerphix listened carefully to the angel's message, and realized the truth about this girl. She had a boyfriend, and her heart already is taken. Silerphix broke again, and felt that his heart will never be mended again. However, the girl came by and Silerphix witnessed what was in her hand. The same letter he wrote to her, she kept close to her.

Silerphix realized there was hope, and that it will take lots of time to have her really fall for him. Silerphix smiled at this fact, and knew she would make a great girlfriend in the future. Why? Because she never gives her heart away to anyone unless her heart is free for the taking. Silerphix overcomed this trial by realzing she is the most faithful and best girlfriend ever, and one day will have her in his life to trust and to love forever.