Metora     Created on Sunday, 01 July 2007 00:32  
  Full Name: Metora
Gender:  Male
Age: 20
Eyes:  light purple
Hair: purple
Birthplace: Buya
Birth Season: Fall
              My life journey begins in the kingdom of Buya. This was where I learned the ways of life by myself. No one guided me in my journeys when I was younger. I have sculpted myself into the man that I am today. In my early years i did not pay much attention to the world around me, but yet focused on myself more than anything else. My travels took me between the kingdoms of buya and nagnang throughout my life. I have done some things in my life that I do not wish to talk about, and but would rather be atoned for my sins and move forward. In my later years I turned myself around. I became more cultured with the world around me. I began to enter poetry revels and actually win! I was kinder to others and took a moment out of my day to help the younger guy. No one showed me the same gratitude when I was younger but I understand that everyone needs help one time or another. I improved my skills with my magic, quickly becoming one of the greatest fighters in the lands. Participating in carnages and KSG's and masai's, I became victorious in most. My self esteem soon began to grow. Many began to fear my new power, but I decided to take a moment to think about what I have become. After deep meditation I asked myself one puzzling question that I seemed to not know the answer to. What will be my legacy in this world? How will I make my time meaningful to be remembered long after I am gone. I decided it to be my point of duty to help younger ones and older ones alike, understand and better themselves through the understanding of these lands. That is when I became the Buyan Mage tutor. I take pride in my tutorials with students. I setup time slots where our schedules meet and we can work out a great time to begin class. I have earned the blessings of the druids and have been branded Trustworthy Trader alike. I have been smiled upon by many walks of paths of this kingdom. Not for being something I am not, but something that I am. And that is Metora, the same person I was when I started my journey in life. Only with a better grasp of how the world around me works, and how I can better myself each and everyday.