Berig     Created on Sunday, 27 February 2005 11:43  
  Even in the dead of winter, the town of Buya was beautiful. Its small pleasures filled the hearts of all of its citizens. Denae, Lady of Swift Bravesoul Xue sat silently and gazed out upon the dark forests. The tree tops waved about in the midnight winds. The sight sent shivers down her spine, and reminded her of the plights yet to come. Denae turned her head, and started back to re-join her husband in sleep. It wasn't long ago that their son RingmasterJ had moved out on his own. Since then the house has seemed rather silent....

Lady of buya, mistress of magic, Denae reminded her self that she was not alone. Her ancestors Kai, and his Lady Nu-Mai will always be there for her.
No, she was never alone.

She thought back to recent adventures the she, her husband, and her cousin Zefalon had been through. It was a great tragety for her and all of her family when Denae's cousin, and blood sister had gone away. It was thought she had gone for good. Denae remembered about the times when the family joined together for the esteemed fox hunts. What a great team they were...

In sleep, she finally found comfort.