Berig     Created on Monday, 19 June 2006 19:37  
  When I was young, my father always wanted me to be a girl. He said this because he was a Druid, and he wanted me to learn more about the plants and aspect of Nature. Now, My mother, She was a Barbarian. She was always telling me that in order to get somewhere in life, I was to use my strength and wisdom to overcome tasks that I would come across in my life. At that point in time, I was taking both my parents sides, My father wanted me to become a Druid, and my Mother wanted me to become a fighter with alot of rage. So I ran away to a distant town by the name of Kugnae. At that point I lived at the inn with a very nice lady by the name of Walusk. She was very kind she help many of my things, money, and even sold me some wine. At that time, I was a bit home sick but I had to remember, that I want to train myself to be strong and to overcome anything, but still be the way that I am. So I picked up a staff of defence and began poking things, after a few insights, I piked up a fan and used it to protect me identity and learned some skills in lighting zaps. I used that to my advantage and began to grow stronger. After a few yuris, I returned home with my Mother and Father. I explained to them what has happened and how I trained. I then told my father that I wanted to study to become a Druid but I do not wish to be all flowery, I wanted to become a Druid for the right reasons, to protect the nature with as many ways as I could. They both helped me study and I was soon walked into the Druid family. I was then honored by a Barbarian who told me that I had survived wilderness training and at that time I knew that you do not have to be strong in fighting or such, but you can be strong in mind body and soul.