Berig     Created on Monday, 19 June 2006 20:25  
  It was many moons ago when the Xia-Xiang family as well as the entire nation of Han was under siege by a horde of blood thirsty dragons. This is when my sister, Genica engaged in battle along side of the Xia-Xiang family that she grew up beside. Although the prince of the family was not present we fought them off as best we could. I obviously fought along side of my sister because I have been very protective of her for many Yuri's. Every since that night she wondered off alone in the woods looking for SubChess Jr. She missed him so much, she cried every night for Yuri's because she missed his heart, his mind, and his body. As she wondered off looking for him she got surrounded by a pack of Ogres attempting to steal her jewellery, probably to trade for Ogre Cider... Cursed drunks! Anyhow I heard her rummaging through the closet looking for a lantern to light her way, I did not say anything I just followed her. I'd rather her do it that night with me watching her than attempting to do it some other night all alone. So she left the camp in search for her lost love, little did she know it was a grave mistake. So I threw some rocks at the ogres to distract them while hiding in some bushes. Stupid ogres fell for it and fled in search for the vandal. They had not done severe damage to her at all but I think she learned her lesson. Ever since then I have been by her side through thick and thin, I would give my very last breathe to ensure her survival and prosperity. We are the closest of all our siblings with the Xia-Xiang family so much that we actually agreed to join their training camp, doing so they marked us with their name. Ever since then we've fought along side each other and the Xia-Xiang family waiting for SubChess Jr. to return. As he did that day, the day we needed him the most he returned to his family. So here we are, one big happy family? Still the same kids we were oh so long ago, still naive, still think we're unstoppable... Even though to this day we have yet to be proven wrong... Even though there were a few close scenarios but we made it out alive so we live on in search of new challenges and new treasures, together as one we are... The Xia-Xiang.
