HydraPulse     Created on Wednesday, 02 May 2012 02:20  


*As you peer through the memoires of the Kingdoms, you come across one still with a seal in tact.  You break the seal and wonder why this has never been opened*

I write these memoires of my early life while I am still young so that is something should happen, my decedents will know of which they came.

My early life was typical for a Vastrit of Han.  Long days of study, dress and etiquette lessons, social arrangements and practice in the family trade of herbs and food for our expansive network.  Our servants and slaves made our meals, tended our lands, and made sure that myself or my siblings didn?t do any chores 'below' our station.  I never left the confines, or company of my estate or father directly.  Thus you can imagine my acceptance of such a life.

As I aged and matured, I had a chance to explore a neighbouring region of  Han with a man servant of the family, and a trusted friend of myself.  That season was a particularly dry one, with little to name of excess for anybody that year.  While in the main city, we came across many people who were dehydrating and dying of thirst as the only clean water supplies had been dried, used or soiled in recent weeks.  One man startled me by addressing me, as was seen as improper, begging for

water.  Not for himself though, for his son about the same age as myself.  Never before had I seen such hopelessness in my sheltered existence.

When I returned home, I returned a chastened man.  Much to my

fathers surprise and dismay, two had gone out for an adolescents

discovery trip and three returned.  I had told my father of what I saw, and I begged him to help those that we could, without ruining the family.  To my own displeasure, he was not interested in helping my new friend, let alone those that were stranger to him.  He noted that the people were of their own misfortunes and the gods are seeing to them justly.

I personally could not abide this.  While I did agree with the

family goal of having wealth, knowledge and influence as a beneficial thing for any family, I could not be a part of the destruction of so many.  Thus with a heavy heart, I left the main branch of the Vastrit family to come to Koguryo in hopes of showing my family that you could be both wealthy and benevolent towards others.  Thus I have come to these kingdoms, as a Vastrit bent on proving that wealth, knowledge and influence can enhance not only your own role in life, but those of the greater community as well.  Afterall, as the Vastrit's would remind all.  Life in Every Breath.

Perhaps one day I shall return in order to try to sway my kin once more... perhaps not..


Hydra Vastrit

Head Of The Kugnae Vastrit's