PookieBear     Created on Tuesday, 18 September 2007 17:09  
  PookieBear was born PookieBear Silverdrake. She was born in the land of Draconia 24 years ago. At the age of 4 she was sent by her parents to the Royal Military Academy of Draconia to follow in her father?s noble footsteps. By the age of 8 she was already a Warrior Prodigy and soon became Section Leader of her class.  She worked hard and learned quickly the ways of the warrior. By the age of 14 she Graduated with honors and received a commission to join the Silverdrake Army as a Captain. She received her first company under the command of her father, Rathra Silverdrake. All was peaceful so PookieBear trained her soldiers as often and as hard as she could. She earned the nick name Narathil, after the desert flower. The Narathil grew at all times of the year in the desert, needing little to no water and was one of the most beautiful things one could see in all of Draconia. Her soldiers were known to be the best in the land and at 16 this was recognized, as she was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. She was the youngest Lt. Col. Since her father. She was givin a full Battalion to control, but insisted that her soldiers join her as her "Elite Guard."

Soon after being promoted, the land was invaded by a large army calling themselves, the Dragon Busters. PookieBears battalion was deployed to the eastern borders where they fought off border skirmishes for several months. It was two weeks before her 17th birthday when she learned that her father had battled the leading General of the Dragon Busters army. He?d been captured and executed in a public display in the Dragon Busters new capitol of Drilok?ai. In honor of her father?s bravery, PookieBear was promoted to Brigadier General, and given command of her father?s old division. Revenge began to poison her emotions and her heart, but being the "good soldier" she was  she hid this from her men and continued fighting efficiently and intelligently. It wasn?t long after this that PookieBear heard of her younger brother Vansith?s enlistment. She did all she could to get him to work directly under her, but was repeatedly denied.

PookieBear fought on, winning victory after victory, sometimes through her and her elite guards, who had come to be called the Invincibles, actions alone. PookieBear did her job well, however she was ever concerned for her own brothers welfare and often looked in on him secretly. She was impressed to learn that he had become a Lt. Col. In such a short time and thought maybe they both could make it through this horrible conflict. She was proven wrong shortly after when she learned of his defeat and capture against the same man who had defeated her father. She was more surprised when she learned he was released by the General. She planned to visit him upon his return but was, again, denied. He was soon after, exiled from Draconia altogether. PookieBear didn?t understand and was soon infuriated by this. However, like the good soldier, she carried on. For 6 years she fought, sometimes winning, sometimes retreating. She fought hard and she fought long.

She was 24 now. Her fame was widespread and she was known as a hero now. Many people loved her and so had many devoted informants. It was in this way she learned that her brother, Vansith, who was now 22, had returned to Draconia and was on his way to Drilok?ai. She pleaded with her superiors to let her attack Drilok?ai but was denied over and over, being told it was a "Suicide Mission."  Finally fed up with the cowardice of the Officers above her, she spat in there faces and resigned her position. She hurried to Drilok?ai, alone and with only her own armor and sword. She knew charging into the enemies Capitol City would only lead to her death so she dawned a cloak which covered her body and face.

She snuck into the city and made her way to the castle. The guards were missing so she took this opportunity to sneak into the palace. She quickly and quietly made her way to the throne room and ducked behind a row of statues depicting the ancient rulers of Draconia. She could see someone talking to a man on the throne. "This must be the King of the Dragon Busters." She thought to herself. As she crept closer she saw a somewhat majestic man appear behind the person talking to the King. She soon noticed that this man speaking was none other than her brother Vansith.  The man standing behind him muttered some words and an immense light appeared behind Vansith! He was startled as he was sucked into the light and disappeared from the room. "VANSITH!" she screamed from her hiding place. She ran full speed at the light and jumped into it with no thought of where it lead.

When the light dissipated PookieBear found herself falling through the air! She attempted to fly but her wings didn?t seem to be working and it only served to slow her descent slightly. "OUCH!" she heard as she landed. She opened her eyes and realized she had landed on a man wearing a blue coat with a black bandanna tied around his forehead. Her instincts kicked in as she jumped up and immediately into fighting stance. The man stood up and dusted himself off. "What the hell girl?!" he yelped "What gives you the right to fall on people like that?!" She lunged believing this to be an ally of the Dragon Busters. The man simply waved his hand as PookieBear was lifted into the air a bit. "Calm down girl! First you fall n me then you lunge at me?! You need to learn some manners! Come with me." The man released her and bade her follow him. "I?m Vernon by the way. But you can call me dad, since I?ll be adopting you and all." PookieBear?s eyes got wider and narrower all at the same time. She ignored it for now, as she was a stranger in this land and this was the only person she knew of thus far.

Vernon led her to a secluded building in the city of Kugnae. "This is SunMoon. If your nice, I?ll talk to Khaos about letting you join!" he then led her inside. It was a remarkable place and her eyes were wide again. She followed him to a grove inside the building where a beautiful woman with a long flowing dress was sitting on the grass with an apparent picnic set up in front of her. The woman looked up sweetly and said, "You?re late honey. " then she looked at PookieBear "Who?s this?" Vernon stammered a bit, then replied "I?m sorry! This girl held me up! She literally fell all over me. Her name is?.uuhhh?come to think of it, what is your name?!" PookieBear told her story of Draconia, her father, her brother, and how she arrived in Koguryo.

"So we?ll be adopting her then?" asked Maya. Vernon replied with a nod. "Well then, welcome to the Paektu family Pookie. Don?t worry, you?ll be fine. We?ll help you find your brother." PookieBear accepted this and decided that the land she once loved would never be the same. She resolved herself to living in this new land. Soon after, she completed her quest when Maya found Vansith in an alley in the city of Buya. She brought him to SunMoon Hall. PookieBear lunged at her brother in excitement! They embraced as siblings for the first time since she was 4. Vansith had been two at the time and didn?t remember his sister very well, however he knew in his heart who she was. He was then also adopted into the Paektu family. Now, reunited, they grow together, each carrying a single goal in there hearts. To live their lives, and never lose one another again.