Berig     Created on Tuesday, 24 January 2006 15:25  
  The Ori'cle tribe, a bloodline that runs through 2/5ths the population of Nagnang, the People of Karma. This family has been around far longer then The Forsaken, the sire of the Sheng Blood, Kija, or the nomadic vagrant tribes. Many years before the reign of Kija's corrupt father, men and women from Sonhi and mostly Han ventured east, in search of a new land, to escape the empiric trend of Han. They stumbled upon a small nation, mainly wilderness and mountains. They worked the land for many years, and became a family of monks, healers and philosophers. They erected great temples and performed miracles for the people in the surrounding lands. When Kija and the many wars came, they followed him loyally, but they faded, if slowly from history.

Recently, the eldest of today's Ori'cle family, Elder ApeDragon became General, and now Retired General of the Legion of Nagnang. The nation was previously unaware of many of the significant bloodlines, but ApeDragon wrote the Books of Nagnang, which were studied by the masses and are now kept within the Palace walls and guarded closely.

From the Books of Nagnang?

Ori'cle; the Ori'cle people can be found in the east of the lands and make up some 2/5ths of the population. They are a mix breed of Nangen natives and those of the far west such as Han. These people are believers in Karma. They are a peaceful set of people and quite religious towards the idea of the balance of the world. There are many great temples constructed by their people before Kija came to the nation and are known for their mystical monks that watched over the temples and performed many prophesies, amazing actions based off of meditation, levitation and healed many people from sicknesses and crippling. These are known to be holy people and are great philosophers and known for their guides of Monks and Poets and their advanced healing powers.

The most prominent members of the family are Elder ApeDragon, General BeZal and newly rediscovered blood, members of a growing clan in Nagnang, led by Aeshatter, SevenSins and Taku. In ancient times, they gathered in Nagnang's west, near Kunsan, and most inhabitants there today are said to be of Ori'cle blood as well. The kin are loving, loyal, honorable, and usually peaceful unless aggravated. While not all people with Ori'cle blood have these traits, this small sect of the line do and follow a motley of Buddhist, Taoist and Shijin gods.