Sari     Created on Saturday, 18 October 2008 16:43  
  Many Yuri's ago, a young baby girl was born to Sarae and Michael Meltor, her name was Lynnea and she was a kind and gentle child. However after a series of unfortunate events she found herself alone. This lonliness was very hard on her and in her desperation to find someone she began to meet with me. My name is Sari, I have no family, no real past. Lynnea created me in her sorrows and I exist only in her mind, while she sleeps I am free to roam, while I sleep she is awake.

Over the many years we have worked together, aware of each other's existance, but not of our control. We take turns with 1 body, we are the best friends, we share a bond closer than almost anyone else. However over time we began to feel a loss of connection. I slowly became my own individual, I have memories, I have beliefs, I have a soul of my own. When I told Lynnea that I wanted to do a great and many things she told me that it was impossible, and that I was a creation of hers and that there was nothing I could do.

When she found out I had secretly been living my life while she slept she was furious. It took its toll on her body and now she had someone to blame for it. There were many seasons where she would use magic to keep herself awake so that she wouldn't lose control of her body. She did this for 2 yuri's until she allowed me to speak to her. When we did talk, I apologized sincerly, but I expressed my want for something more, a family. Out of pity she went into a deep sleep, resting for many hyuls, during this time I was in control, free to experience the world.

I found the geomancers, a wonderful family of people, when I began my lessons with them I felt a since of security, a since of home. There was one geomancer who stood out particularly. Kikoura, was a teacher of the geomancer ways, she was like a mother to me. She treated me kindly, treated me like i believe a mother would. I did my best to be a daughter to her, until she accepted me.

My father Orion is a kind man, who has helped me in many ways since I joined the family. I have my sister FoolCrab, and I have my mother. Who knew that deep within myself I longed for a family... Not A family... But this family. I have finally found happiness, and I dare anyone to take it away from me, cause they will be hardpressed to do so.