Kikoura     Created on Sunday, 05 October 2008 00:32  
  Kikoura Norioaku

 When Orion and I married we decided to start fresh. We
 had been through a few bad marriages in our day and we
 felt it was time that we took our Marriage to the length
 we had always wanted to take it. Orion, not knowing his
 true last name, and I decided to combind our names.

 Norio is "Orion" backwards and the 'aku' is evolved from
 the last three letters of my own name. We removed the r
 and replaced it with the first letter of my name for
 stronger importance.

 The history of my family's depths really formed in Yuri
 60, Summer when I was born. My mother Tornrose and Father
 Riorn were opposites attracting. Yet, the never failed
 to give me the love I needed. My twin sister Starmage and
 I were the "perfect children." We were spunky, full of
 energy, and always out for the love of our parents. Their
 divorce was devistating, more so on me.

 No matter how hard things have become, my family and I
 worked through them. I hold a great deal of pride in
 announcing Riorn, Tornrose, and Starmage as my family.
 They may not be well known, but they were always there for
 me. Orion, lacking this, I decided to bring him in my life
 and make him my family. He has always known Riorn and I
 have always known Orion as a friend and now Husband.

 We share several values. Our family is about respect, love,
 and never giving up. There is always one member of our
 family in which we can lean on. Whoever comes into the
 family has a great blessing to be loved as they will be.

 When I was younger, I didn't always respect my mother Torn
 when she divorced my father. He was a barbarian and he
 was having a hard time dealing with showing affection.
 I turned my back on my mother, being a father's girl and
 forever showing my love for Barbarians. When I grew, I
 realized how much it hurt her, and I am glad to have her
 back in my life.

 I remember sitting at Buya's Northern gate laughing,
 talking, and growing the bond a family should. Out in the
 open. And I knew people were onlooking and wishing they
 had what we had.