Berig     Created on Saturday, 12 February 2005 16:09  
  She walks slowly -- intently. Grey-colored orbs, lifeless and still, seem to see all at once. The soft clicking of beads in her hair warns of her approach; the scent of charred wood and ash follows her. Her long, grey hair softly graces the ground as she moves -- she appears ancient, yet the only wrinkle she possesses is above her right eyebrow [presumably from arching it often]. Nobody knows for sure where she came from. Reports of a strange, old woman merely walking through villages exist as far back as record-keeping goes; never does she commune with any of the inhabitants, she simply ... passes by.

It is assumed that she has been around since the beginning of time -- that perhaps, with the creation of first life, consequently, there was the creation of first death. Many believe that she was born of the same fabric that created this life -- the yin aspect of a good intention. Connections have been made between her appearance and the death of a member of the village she visits, leading some to believe that she is either Death's bride or sister. Others believe that she is a reaper of souls, stealing the dead away from Death, living off of their energy to provide her with immortality. It is said that she carries a silver knife with her, hidden from view, which she uses as the instrument of her dark rituals. Still others claim that she is father time's counterpart, the keeper of the dead -- the matriarch of the damned; that all souls pass through her after their time has run up, being judged accordingly, and are sent to the proper levels of the beyond.

Perhaps, though, she is merely an old woman -- pushed so close to the brink, that death merged with her body. Perhaps she is merely the eyes of death; death's physical manifestation, cloaked as an old hag walking amongst the living. This conclusion would most sensibly explain her involvement with the House of Moranus; the darkness -- death itself -- seems to find a certain kinship within this "family."

Whether or not Morteus and Rlyn ever formally "met" is unknown to all; only they understand the connection their paths share. Do they protect each other? Not entirely ... but perhaps, in keeping the ancient secrets, they keep the dead sacred. Some believe that they relate to one another through the Raven -- a powerful bird, shrouded in darkness and mystery; that Rlyn, assuming she is a physical manifestation of death, keeps the Ravens sacred to her -- the Raven, the very creature held dear to Morteus. According to speculation, Rlyn was a close friend to Morteus' mother, Arawn. Before her child's birth, Arawn supposedly met with Rlyn in the core of the underworld. None can be sure of what was discussed, but many believe that Rlyn has watched Morteus since that time -- never interfering with his life, and rarely making her presence known -- simply watching. Still true to this day, Rlyn merely watches in the House of Moranus. Most of the members know very little about her -- only Morteus and Sithrarion have a slight understanding of who she is, and what her purpose is. Silence seems to be her greatest companion -- she speaks little, but in her few words rests great insight. Often, she is seen as a grandmother figure for the House, sometimes bestowing small gifts and trinkets upon the members randomly. Although she is cloaked in mystery and feared by many, the members of Moranus respect her -- in whatever position she holds -- and only ... slightly ... fear her and what she knows.

Much is unknown about this boneyard hag. Perhaps Rlyn is beyond understanding -- perhaps she is one of the few enigmas born to this world at the beginning of time.

Perhaps, though, she is merely an old woman...

Boneyard Hag