Berig     Created on Thursday, 27 January 2005 20:34  

The House of Moranus was created as a gathering of Necromancers, occultists and various creatures of the Night. We aren't Satan worshippers at the least bit, but tend to look towards the darker side of nature. The first Head of house was Abaddon Az'ureles, the Demon Prince of War. He sought a place to feel at home among creatures and people just like him, and so the journey started.

Mainly, we are worshipers of the Night and the Eclipse. In astrology, an eclipse represents a dramatic event in a person's life in the area of the astrological house in which it occurs. We see it as symbolically signifying the life-changing, overpowering nature of the Unhallowed or Occultist awakening and the profound changes recognition of such an archetype within ones' self brings. Thus, the moon eclipsing the sun symbolizes one's nightside or 'vampiric' side becoming equal to one's dayside or mundane side.

Abaddon needed some members so he sought out his fellow Necronomicon's; Azrael and Tiamat: Lucifer's right hand men. Baal, Demon of Deceit, was furious at the idea of a organization within the floors of Hell that did not have to deal with possession or 'evil' but just worshiping oneself and the glorious Night so he sent his followers, Belzebuth and Asmodeus, to assassinate Head Abaddon. This seemed to be a problem so Abaddon highered the Raven Necromancer, Morteus, to dispose of Baal and his followers. Of course, the epic battle between Morteus, Belzebuth, Asmodeus and Baal is another story altogether told about in the Necronomicon of Mephisto; Abaddon's brother.

Soon after the House of Moranus was created, Head Abaddon was sentenced to eternal damnation in the 7th level of Purgatory by Lucifer. This caused the need for a new Head, Tiamat was chosen. Tiamat's was possibly the most beneficial and influential reign in the History of Moranus. He created the bridge to the Human world where mortals became members of the House so no one thought we were all just Occultists but only wished to Kiss the Night as if it was our own child. This is where Druidic Shaman In'kubu'sja joined and created our House Structure.

During Tiamat's reign, Celestia - a Kingdom through the Gate's of Heaven, sent Angelicus, a leading Seraphim Warrior, to join our ranks. Angelicus' Sigil shot up almost as fast as Mephisto's did. Angelicus tried to overthrow Tiamat, and managed to assassinate him while preparing the plans for a upcoming Fire Festival, Beltaine.

With this, Angelicus took over Head. His reign was a short and corrupted rule which almost ended in the downfall of Moranus. With this rule become the ritual of eternal love; Ino platbrata iko iko retvan el shac (roughly, something about ingesting a past love). With this, more rituals were formed and the creation of Hexes. Angelicus used his powers to benefit only himself and rarely showed in public causing uproars from the various members. Azrael, the only elder left of the original members, spoke to Morteus about Tiamat's corruption and they created a assassination plan. Morteus was to receive Head of Moranus if it was to go right with Tiamat as his Cheif Archangel. The assassination is written in the Necronomicon of Mephisto along with how Morteus took the rank of Head.

Morteus, now ruling with his Nangen wife, Kralana, still has his destiny ahead of him. All of his opposers were slain by “The Eternal Watcher,” DoomMage, leaving the House of Moranus with only a few members; Kaney – The Dryad, advisor and Mistress of Herbal and Venom Lore; Sithrarion – The Ever-Perpetual Nightmare, existing to twirl mens souls around his fingers at his leisure; Sazanka Nakajima, commonly known as Rowena, a Geomancer with great power; DoomMage – The Eternal Watcher, assassin of all of Morteus’ opposers; Deavin Zoe – A Druid of immense power and a direct decendant from Tiamat, he now serves as Morteus’ Archangel; Cybertooth, a young lycanthrope with immense strength; and Syth – former King of Qin, son of Angelicus and Moranus’ connection to the Spirit Realm.