Zells     Created on Tuesday, 05 August 2008 23:47  
  Qian Shu Zells  
  It was hyul 12, I saw my wife walk to shaman guild, it was so hot that day on summer day. Without her noticed I vanished my self and decided following her. She looked very sad, she walked with head down. She did not know I was behind her all the way.

I saw a big number of people getting around shaman fire. I wondered what they were doing. Finally the guide says " let's begin the story, the interesting story you want us to hear, the greatest story you want to tell. So each of the participant tell the story for 2 minutes. There was about  10 people and quietly my wife step forward and says may I join? So she become the 11 and the last persons to tell her story.

Once each of story threw around the air,  some gave comments, some laughed as the stories were told.   And the final goes to her. She slowly stepped forward. The guide said " Hi, SHeiLLa, Please tell us the story about Love. " You have 1 minute to think and 2 minutes to complete the story.

So she took a deep breath and started telling the story:

"Once upon the time lived Love, Happiness, Sadness, Beauty and Rich on one island. One day a big earthquake was just about to drown the island. Happiness, sadness and richness got their boats to escape, only Love could't escape cause love had no boat to ride on.

So Love asked Rich to help. 'Rich please help me,' and what did Rich reply? 'Sorry Love , I can't take you, I have so many precious things on board and if I take you, the boat will be drowned.' Love is very sad.  

At the same time Love saw Happiness found a boat to ride. 'Happiness please help me.' There is no reply cause Happiness is too happy to find a boat that he could not hear what love said. The water already to Love's waist,  She was very sad and her tears flowed down.

After a while Love saw beauty passed with his expensive boat, Love screamed 'Beauty please help me.'  Beauty replied,  'Sorry Love you are so dirty and wet, if I let you board, my beautiful boat will be dirty and wet.'  So Love cried till her eyes swelled.

Love saw sadness pass.  'Sadness please help me,'  but he replied " sorry Love, I'm very sad and I want to be alone.'  So sadness left.

Water was already to Love's shoulder, when she heard a voice,  'Love get in my boat quickly, swim here', so love without thinking swam to voice's boat.  He left her at a nice island nearby. Love did not know who the person was that help her. So she started to ask people on island. 'Who just help me ? Who is he?'  One man replied, 'He is Time.'   Love asked 'Why did he help me?, while all my friends did not care about me?' 

The island man replied "Cause only Time knows the value and how precious Love is".

Everyone in the event was quiet, I saw a few people even a few shaman hosts had tears in their eyes to hear my wife's story, everyone claped their hands. That day she got her mark as master of the lore. The most unforgettable event for her and me too.
I finally knew I had a extraordinary wife who knows the meaning of Love.

For this many yuris to hyuls, I always felt the happiest man alive and the luckiest. She never asked me to leave my family Matsuura while I stay all around her family since the day we marry I always regarded this to part of my luck.

Now I can see clearly and understand her story, how sad she was because the legacy of her family needed to be continue. Without my being Ming Yun, the family will stop at her.

Time comes for me to join her family, because I realized Time knows the value and how precious Love is. Her love for me is so precious, my faith meeting her is unbelievable fate. The day I was introduced to her by her mother during her mother's birthday celebrations.
She wait me patiently while I producing some metal from ore, never heard a single complaint for that long waiting.
Metal always reminded me of her. I have spoken with her Uncle, Ming Yun Hui Feng. He gave me name Ming Yun Qian Shu (Fate of the Blazing Metal).

That's what I am now, and my name will always remind me how the Blazing metal are made, cause "Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be smooth; in fact, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges." Just like how strong Metal blazingly by Love of the Rainbow.

Ming Yun Qian Shu