Valexa     Created on Wednesday, 23 July 2008 07:16  
  Jin Long Valexa  
  Everyone knows me by the name of Golden Dragon. The first time I emerged into the human society, I was five, already much of a fighter and survivor. Tale has it, I was born into the Locush tribe. When I was a few days old, our village was raided by Black Knights on black armored horses. Carrying me in her arms, my mother ran into the wild and hid me in a safe place, but she never returned. No Locush survived the attack.. except that little baby, left alone in the jungle.

As if sent by the gods to conserve the only descendant left of Locush, a lost little gold-scaled dragon stumbled upon a human newborn behind the wildberry bushes. The mild-hearted dragon took the baby with her and cared for it. Since then, Scarly that gold-scaled dragon, and I that little baby, have walked the lands of good and evil together. We train, travel, help the needy, train and travel some more, unsure of what we're looking for.. but perhaps a place where we can belong.

Growing up in the wild, I learnt the secrets of the fire and acquired numerous magic skills, to try and keep us safe. By early teen, the legend of my hellish fire attack had travelled the kingdom. I was requested to train armies of the Palace Guards, hundredths and thousands of talented magicians and fighters.

One day I heard rumors of the land of venom called the Dark Terrain. Some say, the deadliest evils reside there. Scarly and I head there, to see if the rumors are for real, to enrich our collection of venoms, or even just to train our skills. To my own surprise, all kinds of monsters there succumb to the fire balls we delivered. I'm pleased, we survive even the most dangerous place they said there is. Still, deep down there is emptiness within, which seeks a place of love and belonging. Where Scarly and I can rest from our endless journey, and call a place home. All these travels are starting to bore me.

That day in the Dark Terrain, I see a group of fighters fighting the leader of Dark Terrain monsters. I and Scarly watch from afar as we rest. By the sight of it and from the way they call each other, they are likely to be brothers and sisters. It's calming to see how they defend and shield one another with each of their unique power. I laugh watching the youngest of those brothers keeps running behind his older siblings while frantically casting a self shield of protection. Though I must say, his shielding power's amazing; it's impenetrable by any attack, venom or magic.

Just when the other siblings are too busy tackling the monster boss, I see that younger man runs into a deep dark cave, chasing after a white tiger he calls Piko. Intrigued, I follow. Scarly can't fit into the cave so she waits outside. True enough, that young lad and his tiger need help, cornered by a giant centipede. I arrive right on time and get rid of the monster. The tiger's wounded pretty bad. The lad looks so concerned, he carries the tiger in his lap as he expresses gratitude over and over to me. I invite them to ride on Scarly and bring them back to the brothers and sisters, who by that time already defeated the evil.

When we join the group, the siblings are worried sick, they've been looking for their youngest brother. As he climbs down from Scarly's back, the sister hugs him and checks on the wounded Piko. They thank me repeatedly, and invite me on a journey home together. They introduce themselves as Ming Yuns, and they would like me to visit their hometown to show me around and share some magical secrets. I'm excited, I've heard so much about the legendary Master Ming Yun Tse and I'd love to meet him in person. So we begin our long journey back home.

Ming Yun's brotherhood and family compassion settle in me warm, fuzzy feelings. Scarly seems to love them too. Although I don't speak much, they always manage to share stories with me. The youngest brother, Hu, is constantly shadowing me - mostly saying nothing, but in awkward moments when I stare at him annoyed, he just says "your fire's so cool" nonchalantly. Everyone calls him Huppa, and I can see why. He's always over-actively moving trying to entertain himself and Piko. Once too often he topples and falls down out of sloppiness, secretly makes me laugh every time.

While the others train and sharpen skills, Hu plays with Scarly and Piko. Piko recovers quickly with all the love and motivation he gets. Scarly playfully blows a breath of fire as they run around chasing each other, Hu caught himself on fire. He jumps into a river, and Piko comes swimming after him. Everyone laughs.

Few months later we arrive at the Ming Yun's beautiful residence. The parents are ecstatic to see their children back safely. Hu runs into his mother's cuddle like crazy, Master Tse pats his head and compliments him on his huge success. While the other siblings exchange stories and show their gathered items to the parents, Hu's already playing with Piko and Scarly again. They introduce me to Master Tse and Mrs. Tse, who keep thanking me for saving their little Huppa. We talk long, it's like I've known them a long time, I instantly feel home. They welcome me warmly like a family member. And I stay, like they request me to.

Since I start training together with the Ming Yuns, Hu somehow join our daily training sessions diligently, practicing his healing power. This surprises Master Tse and the other siblings. They are delighted to see Hu's improvement and exchange a thanking look with me. "What's the sudden change, Huppa?" Brother Wind nudges Hu. "Balancing Golden's fire with my healing ice," Hu grins.

Soon, Huppa and I are spending most times together. He entertains me and gives me that feeling of content. The family makes me feel that I belong someplace safe and peaceful. Finally in the summer of Yuri 67, we hold a beautiful garden party to celebrate the marriage of me and Huppa. Even Piko and Scarly look stunning that day. I'm glad I'm home. I am now known as Ming Yun Jin Long, Fate of The Golden Dragon.

 The End
Jujak Craftsman
Ming Yun Jin Long
Fate of The Golden Dragon