Lola     Created on Tuesday, 17 June 2008 01:27  
  As I grew up, I was introduced to my long lost sister, Dece. The women of my family come in pairs-usually born several years apart but who share a kindred soul. As children, we were inseprable. I was very fond of my sister. When she left to live in the Shaman circle, I became desolate and slightly dysfunctional according to those around me. It was when all of my problems started, and what has eventually lead me to being a bit touched by insanity. Resembling my departed sister. But my insanity made me hunt like it was food for life, all this meanwhile waiting for my sister to come home from Shaman training. I myself became really buff, and soon was appointed as Wild Protector of the Matsuura brothers and sisters, because although tiny, I could really throw a punch to kill enemies in
one "Kya!".
Sometimes as a family we go into quests in the wild and we need to build shelter. I am usually the skilled one here. Even though after building it next to a tree the top point ended up not being too high, since I found it difficult to climb the tree trunk and twine the plank to it at the same time. So all in all the height was just over our heads when we stood up. It may look a bit awkward from the side, but I'm content at least that it would not tumble down on our heads when we sleep under it overnight.. :D

So that became my role, and proudly so became our family bodyguard. The frontliner usually. The great joy of being a Matsuura family member is to be able to hold the 'pride' of the family, that has lived through the test of time through many tens of Hyuls.

LoLa Matsuura