Hokuzen     Created on Sunday, 03 February 2008 00:17  
  :Lotus Family  
  ~ You unwrap a tattered scroll from it's protective casing ~

The Lotus family history is a rich and not well known one. The bloodline was started in a little city known as Kugnae back hundreds of Hyuls ago. Kugnae back then was a simple province, a simple farming community that consisted of a handful of farmers. On a bright sunny day, a botanist named Namso and his wife Jenna were tending to their gardens when a sudden ache came across Jenna's stomach. Jenna fell to the ground in pain yelling for Namso to come, "Namso! Quick come, I have fallen and I can't get up." Namso rushed to the field where Jenna was and carried her back to their humble home.After Namso gently laid his wife down, he quickly ran to fetch a doctor for his wife. 

After several minutes Namso returned home with the doctor who he had found at the local tavern in town.  After a quick examination, he doctor revealed that she was 3 months pregnant. Namso couldn't believe this news as he was thought to be impotent and would never bare a child. A miracle, he thought, has happened today. Over the upcoming months Namso tended to the fields himself to ensure that he would have a bountiful harvest of flowers to sell for the upcoming festivities of spring. As spring quickly came, Jenna's stomach began to grow and grow. He life within her grew with every breath that she took.

She gave birth to her handsome and strong young baby boy, on the first day of spring. This boy had a birth defect on his chest in the shape of a lotus blossom, so the new parents decided to name the boy, Lotus. The parents, whom did not know their own family name because they were both orphans, also decided to take up the name of Lotus for their family name. And so the Lotus family came into existence.  Namso and Jenna decided they would raise the child with the underlying principles in which they both believed in. Love, family, and honor.

Lotus quickly grew up and became a strong boy who helped his father tend to the fields each spring, summer and fall. He took an interest in martial arts and politics. He would visit his local library and Chongun dojo regularly to train both his brains and brawn.  One day he was approached by a man in peasant clothing and was asked if he knew what the KSG was. Lotus was unsure what the man as asking about, but took a shot in the dark. The man then told him that he had much to learn and led him to the...

~~~ The rest of the scroll is worn away ~~~