BeRLiN     Created on Saturday, 19 July 2008 19:42  
       Around the times of when King Yuri roamed the lands, a young girl named BeRLiN was sadly abandoned by her parents because they could not raise such a wild soul. She was left under a waterfall in the wilderness by a oddly placed cave. She realized that she was now alone, so by her curious nature she wandered into this unknown cave which she was left near.

     Unlike anything BeRLiN at her young age had ever seen before, this cave bestowed Lobsters of massive size. Oddly enough rather than attacking the young warrior for intruding on their cave, these Lobsters could sense the loss she had just expirenced and aloud her to roam freely in their home. Making her way deeper and deeper into the cave to the Sandy Mounds room, she realized that this room lead to nowhere and decided here she would be safe from the horrids that can come from outside the cave, and be protected by the Lobsters.

     As time passed she never left the room she felt safe in, and became some sort of a legend or myth for being "the girl with claws" who dwells in those parts. Training day in and day out she became a force to recon with, people feared her the cave she began to call home.

     One day as BeRLiN was relaxing in her domain, a brave soul ventured into the cave where most dared not to go. BeRLiN was weary to anyone coming in her cave because she was not used to visitors and felt she was intruded upon. Though this new soul was not scared of the cave what so ever, casting immobility spells amungst the Lobster army which protected little BeRLiN. She calmy approached the wary little girl and interduced herself as Neowen. Convincing the little girl that she needed someone to care for her better than the crustations she had grown to know could. She offered to adopt her and give her the love and loyalty each person should receive.

    Accepting her offer, for BeRLiN had grown greatly alone in the time she had spent in the cave, she was introduced to her new family. Neowen had given birth to twin girls, Namu and Aglaia. They grew up together becoming very close sisters. All though Aglaia and BeRLiN began to have a special bond unlike most encounter. As time went on the two forged a blood oath which sealed their love and loyalty to eachother for life. Each day there after was a new expirence for them both.

    Aglaia and BeRLiN wished to have an offspring of their own, and being of the same sex there needed to be some magic involved to create what they both seeked. Aglaia found a Shaman who was well trained in the arts of magic, and who was able to assist Aglaia in which they both desired. The ritual was successful and Aglaia became pregnant.

    Eventually the bundle of joy that popped out which was full of love and of pure nature was named Darakash. Following in the footsteps of her mothers, she never faultered from her family values that her parents held true to them. This addition to the family aloud the trifecta of Aglaia, BeRLiN, and Darakash to be complete.