Berig     Created on Thursday, 27 January 2005 14:54  

The sun was coming up over the side of the hill, and I could see more colors than you can imagine. The beams of light were coming through the trees, over the hill, and bouncing on the waters. What a wonderful way to wake up in the morning. I knew that soon we would have to get on the trail again, in search of a town. I had to get my brother and I somewhere so I could get a job and hopefully earn the two of us enough so we could get a roof over our heads. Our farm had been raided a couple of months back and our parents had been killed as well. My brother and I had been playing in a field behind the house, so the raiders didn't even know we were there. However, we witnessed it all. Mickenna, my brother, still had nightmares about it. Being as young as we were there was nothing we could do but hide and watch. It is something that I will never forget.

The trip so far had been hard for the two of us. We were both young, and had not had much experience on our own, but we were doing it. It was times like this that I was actually able to sit back and take a deep breath and relax a small amount. Mickenna, (kenna for short) I knew was still lying in a pile of furs we had collected, snoring his head off. He was the laziest one boy I'd ever seen, and full of tricks.. I could never let my guard down around him because he was always pulling pranks and tricks on me. He enjoyed them, and actually it did bring a little fun into our bleak times so I went along with him. Besides, being as I'm the older one, I could not let him get one over on me.

As I stood there I thought I heard a little rustle in the bush. But, as I turned around I felt a hard shove and the next thing I knew I was falling. Then I hit the water. I felt like I had been submerged into a block of ice that water was so cold. and I knew Kenna was responsible. But, before I could do anything all I could see was him flying in the air toward me. I thought he had lost his balance but after a few minutes at his look of shock, we both looked up toward the cliff and there stood a woman. I swear if someone could glow, it would be her. She laughed and yelled something down that brought a smile to my face, then not being able to take the cold anymore, we swam to the shore.

By the time we got there, the woman had a huge fire built and a pot of stew for us to warm our insides with.

Something about this woman, made both Kenna and myself talk more than we had in awhile. Before I knew it, she had enfolded the both of us into her circle and asked us to join with her. There was a sense of peace about her, and that was something I craved. Kenna, he craved the motherly attention, and I knew that this was something that would save us both. So we all agreed, and Kenna and I became part of her family, a family of bears by the name of Kuma.