Berig     Created on Saturday, 24 March 2007 19:55  
  My name is Sole, on the Kim's side of the family. I have a middle name which I usually don't use - chi. Kim-chi Sole ((Korean spicy pickled vegetable with fish)) is my full name as it is also one of Gimpy, my father's, favorite dishes. People used to laugh at my name, but that didn't bother me a bit.

I was born in the spring of Yuri 80. To me, I was born in a perfect family. My dad, Gimpy, is a well-trained strong Chongun who has the heart to protect the kingdom of Koguryo. My mom, Amphitrite, on the contrary, is a care and loving poet with amazing healing hands. I also have a lovely sister, whom has a strange love toward flowers and alike which I don't quite understand.

I am usually quiet. I don't trust people outside of my own family. Since I was a child, I was a boy of few words. Worrying that I may take a wrong turn somewhere in my life, my parents sent me to the Baekho temple to study and train. My cousin, Jikoku, was sent along with me. Reason? Unknown. Again, that didn't bother me a bit.

Jikoku seems to be quite fond of the girls that stop by the temple every here now and then. I don't understand why, but I didn't quite bothered to find out. He seemed to have a crush on one of the Ju-jak students. One day, she dropped her books and Jikoku rushed to help. That's how they met. But, if you ask me, she dropped those books on purpose. She just created a chance for Jikoku, who is quite shy.

Studying together, we soon became best friends. We share one common hobby - Gem cutting and Jewelry. He always talked about opening up a jewelry shop, I don't understand why, but I didn't bother to ask. I will help him if he wanted me to. That's all I know.

People say I am solitary, cold-blooded and don't seem to care about things happening around me. How one perceives me is up to that person, which I do not need to understand or know why.

Don't get me wrong. I love every member of my family. And it is that love and the need to protect them, I will become stronger, even more cold-blooded, if that's what it takes. Rage, Anger, Happiness, Love, Solitude, Sociable? I think I found my own balance of life.