Limmerick     Created on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 00:50  
  I, Limmerick Jeong am the son of Diskord and of a dead mother, grandson of Kyon and Seung, half-brother to Jikoku and husband to the Chongun HyunYong.
I do not know where I was born, and the earliest account of me was of my being brought to  my father to the House of Qi, where I was raised, with the high hopes that I would become a Monk.
Many members of the Jeong-Kim lines contributed to my upbringing, and it wouldn't be far shot to say that I was spoiled and have had to do very little work to get where I am today.

My father and Lashalla have always been kind, and I've seldom had to lift a finger if I needed coins. My great-uncle Gimpy and his wife Amphitrite played a sizeable role in my gaining of insights, and made no complaints about it, and when I found myself stronger in insight than I was in skill, I regretted the capriciousness with which I rushed through.
Between my aunt Saera and step-mother Lashalla, I put together the bits and pieces of the healer's role.

Even as I write this, it sparks a bittersweet memory of my first slap in the face of unsheltered reality. For months I had been practicing in the carnages for lower insights, and for as many
months I had been violently insulted and abused for my lack of skill. In a fit of despair and anxiety I ran to my aunt Saera who listened to me for many hours, and stilled my concerns and
soothed my wounded pride. This has been always the spirit of our family, that none of us who were in need were ever turned away, not for kind words, not for learning, not for protection
or cure.

I never met my grandparents, Kyon and Seung, and it is one of my greatest regrets, because I am so fascinated by their choice to break away and defy their elders, and I cannot comprehend
their satisfaction and even contentment in a life of minimal comforts.

While I am Nangen, my family is otherwise Koguryan and has always welcomed me and sheltered me without question in any time of distress, and never have I been denied an ear or a bite of food.
I am frequently their guest in their land, and travel as needed to track our family's progress, and I look forward to being present for the beginning of several more generations.

I recount this all to you, because though I am not the Eldest, who would by tradition lead the family- I am it's leader, the one most enamoured with History and the keeping of it, enchanted
by the flaws and qualities of each generation and determined to uphold the bond of family, which more than with blood can be defined, but which blood binds into eternity.