Berig     Created on Wednesday, 09 May 2012 02:32  
    The Ja'Myne family - a prestigious family located in Buya. The head of the family, Lady Jolie Ja'Myne, is a prominent figure within the Buyan community. I made it my mission to somehow work my way into her family. But with her marriage to Mistorei Princepia, my options were slowly dwindling. What could I do to get into her good graces?   I sought her out one day, her new weave looking particularly well put together as she worked behind the desk in the room designated for The Shining Jewel Foundation. She looked up at me, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "What do you want, Bill?" Her tone was demanding, but the usual Jolie I had come to know and love. "I want to be your brother," I declared boldly. I would become part of her family even if it meant killing someone! Maybe not that far, but I would try. She merely laughed and waved a hand, shooing me away. I left, feeling anything but defeated.   I wracked my mind for any ideas to get her to let me into her family. I couldn't kill Mistorei, that'd be bad, and there was no telling if Jolie would marry me next so that was out of the question. I had it! I knew what I would do, but it would be tricky. It took me a long while to gather up the materials I needed. I searched all across Buya, went into the depths of Nagnang, the streets of Koguryo, before I found everything I needed. I piled it up in one big sack and took off to find Jolie.   She was in the same spot I had left her, rubbing her eyes as she poured over paperwork for the Foundation. She looked up at me, annoyance plain in her voice as she demanded to know the reason why I was there. I told her once again, "I want to be your brother." Before she could respond with another sarcastic quip, I put the woolen sack down on the counter before her. Gems and gold bars piled out out it, gleaming in the flickering light of the room. She held up one bar, inspected it, and grinned. "Welcome to the Ja'Myne family."