Berig     Created on Wednesday, 04 July 2007 02:33  
     My name is Rikumaru. I've got a place to fill in a long legacy that has almost been lost in time. I am the second son of Shinji and Rei Ikari. My brother, Vildor has been lost and I feel he has perished in the fighting's with the Imperial Army in Ilbon. When I had left Ilbon to come to Korea I left much behind me, my father and mother did not discourage me in such ways they encouraged me in everything I usually did.    My father had spent hours on end training myself and Vildor, we learned much we learned how to utilize the mind, body, and soul. We have harnessed the powers of Ka as well. We were from the legacy of Samurai and the Emperor's personal guard.

   Years always passed rapidly with us, our lands were on arable lands and we had a small farm, but we lived in a large home, in truth we actually lived in a large homestead, we could have had a keep built but the first to settle on the land refused. We were granted a large home with a nice meditation garden and the flows of water. Needless to say, our living conditions were nice. Though we had all this, we always went out to help the people on the lands, we never did rule with an iron fist no, we rule peacefully... in fact I cannot say we even "ruled".

   Our years were the same to us, help the farmers, train in the arts of war, study poetry, study traditions, study sciences, math's, reading and writing and we worked the lands. Vildor and I had always fought but we knew we loved each other; I mean we were brothers - it was typical for us. My mother and I got along famously, she would always be there for us if something went wrong and she'd even defend us against our father who we occasionally said he was wrong. For the most, our father and I got along great and we respected our father more than anything - we did say he was wrong but it was always in fun and games.

   Normally I would be second in-line for the head of the Ikari family name but since Vildor is assumed dead by both the Imperial Officials and our family I have become first. Just two 2 Hyuls ago, our father had passed away peacefully with his wife. I have become an 'orphan' and an only child. I strive each and every day since my father's passing to carry on his legacy and build a new one; Respects for the lands, poetry, enlightenment, the way of the blade, and the calms of the lands. In addition I also respect each and every person I cross and share with them my knowledge. I have returned to Korea and moved to Nagnang for a rest; I leave the Ikari lands to our best and most loyal advisors.