Berig     Created on Wednesday, 07 September 2005 17:53  
I being the oldest of my three brothers, I had to always look after my younger brothers since both of our parents had died in a cave in, in the lost mines of Yuri 59. They had died from a clumsy miner who had collapsed the wall that they were working by causing them to be trapped in a load of rubble. It was horrible getting the news of our parent's death. Koguryoguy was very upset and would not talk for days after. We all had to work for a carpenter to pay for the rent of our house in Buya
My other brother, AlFrImArIo would always get into trouble with fellow rogues around the kingdoms tricking warriors into fights in which they would end up winning from placing traps around the confused warriors. During the Yuri of 61 AlFrImArIo and I decided to move to Kugnae to escape the overcrowding of Buya and find some quiet. Koguryoguy wanted to stay and live in buya because he was still saddened by our parent's death.
We spent a good while there and we got ourselves a nice little house to live in and we eventually met two other brothers, twins in fact and their sister ColdPrincess. We all soon became good friends with each other and we would train together whenever we could and help each other out. 
A few Yuri's later their mother had given birth to Sindella before dying shortly after, Moondragons would not let her out of his sight and as Sindella grow up she became a good friend too. We would often go hunting in the newly found vortex area and hunt down the tribe leaders to take their strange new magical items. Then Sindella finally met the youngest of my brothers, the one that still lived in Buya, Koguryoguy. They instantly fell in love and had a huge wedding in Yuri 74.
Just before Yuri 75 I had decided to travel to the wilderness and worship the totems for a Yuri to help cleanse my soul and karma. Having done this I was leaving all my friends and family behind. I missed them greatly during that period and when I had returned I was happy to see all their faces again, and to once more be with them.

And they had all were glad I was back safe and sound, and feared for my death in the treacherous wilderness.
