Oltimate     Created on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 20:44  
  Kwon was born in a small town to a man named Shin Hae-Sup. His father was born into a noble family which had numerous affiliations around the kingdoms. Shin was a blacksmith for most of his time, and after all of his children except Kwon were presumed dead, Shin stopped working with metal.

The whole Hae-Sup family was practically an organization in itself. There was blood, and sacrifice between each and every members. Every child at age five was sworn into the family, never to speak of anything that went on. Kwon spent his younger years working with his father, but after he took a blood oath into the other side of the family, he began to work in different ways.

When he grew old enough, he came across an older man, who turned out to be his brother. Three years older than Kwon, and had supposedly died along with most of the other children. This brother moved away from the kingdoms to become a Monk of sorts, as well as a potion salesman. Kwon was a different story however. After a while, he began to grow bored of his day to day life and decided to take up new hobbies and such.

Eventually he was making a living and working in the tri-kingdom area doing numerous jobs. He kept in contact with his father until his death. Shin left three things to Kwon. He left a box, a dagger, and a book. Each with its own specific meaning, and value. The dagger was the one which his father used, when he worked for the organization known to some as 'The Association'. They partook in many activities and created a very solid wealth. The box contained a robe, and a seal. The seal was an oddly shaped item, that had the letters ?K H-S?, and the robe an embroidery of 'The Association's seal. The book, was the family history, and a detailed description of every member of the family and 'The Association', along with numerous letters and names of people. Each item he still has today, although you will never see the dagger, it is with him.

The man known as Kwon, goes by the alias Oltimate, and is involved in the same type of work that his father once was. Equipped with his fathers talent, he has already succeeded at continuing the legacy of noblemen. He will continue to roam the kingdoms, some say he lives in Nagnang, some say in Kugnae, at one point it was believed he lived in Buya. No one is absolutely sure of his origin in these kingdoms, even his closest friends. This is an account of the man who not only is a member of 'The Association' but also the Hae-Sup family.

As of his father's passing, he is the head of the family, and will continue to pass down the name to his children.