Collyn     Created on Thursday, 15 November 2012 22:30  
  ______________________________________________   As a daughter to a mentally unfit mother and a younger sister to a shunned boy, I lived the lavish life of "Mommy's little princess". My big brother Bear was cast out as soon as I was born, proving that mother was capable of birthing a normal child. Of course, I knew none of this until much later in life.    My earliest memories were that of private schooling and expensive lifestyles. I had most everything I wanted, growing up as an "Only" child. Accelling at the arts of wordplay and poetry, I became a well educated Scholar.    I had also become a fine woman. My mother thought to reward my skill and hard work with a bit of information: I had a brother. She explained what had happened with him, and gave a few details about where he was. This was obviously a shock to me, having thought I grew up alone.    Angry at this sudden news, and furious at the mistreatment of a family member, I set off. I took everything I could; blankets, food, water and equipment. I left before knowing much of anything to do with a sword, but I had to find my long lost brother.    Eventually, I found my way to the land of Koguryo. I searched seven days and seven nights, looking for a bucktooth man with horns. After the seventh night, I began to lose hope. As I closed my eyes at the inn, pondering my journey, a thought came to me. It had been so long. I had changed, could he have as well?    I awoke on the eighth day, full of renewed vigor! "I will find my brother this day." I knew it.    Bar after bar and inn after inn, I compiled a list of hints and clues about my brother's whereabouts. The trail ended at the Merchant guild. It was said that a man with black hair, similar to mine, and a bandana covering his face was a Guide for the MGK.    I found him offering engraves to the townsfolk. He looked just like me, though his eyes were lighter: I guess he had father's eyes. I rushed in to hug him, before even thinking twice.    Giving him my journals, I explained everything that had happened. He barely remembered anything about his childhood, but he remembered being hurt. He told me that he was adopted by a lovely couple who took him in and cared for him. Dokara, a Chongun, and Jasna, a Monk. He urged me to meet them and told me that he'd be more than happy to take me under his wing.    The family was delighted to meet me. They were helpful and kind, close and warm. Nothing like where I was from. It unnerved me a bit. I wasn't used to such kindnesses where I was from. After a long conversation and a family meeting, they offered me a space in their home and in their hearts.