Jasna     Created on Tuesday, 06 March 2012 04:51  

I was born as the daughter of the previous heads of the Fujihara family, sister to our current head, Nobu. I stand as one of the last remaining blood members of our family in these lands, having followed my elder brother here when he decided to make the journey. We left behind the rest of our family, farmers and scholars alike, but we have made new family along the way.

As a daughter of our comfortable family, I was educated and trained, and it was found that I had a mind for letters and numbers. At a young age I was dedicated to my learning, my mind showing more of an inclination for the scholarly arts. I devoured scrolls, my love of learning fostered and encouraged by my family. I have some little skill with greenery, perhaps hearkening to the farmer's tendancy which my family is known for, but I am far from the skilled farmers which carry the Fujihara name.

Our family is still small. It is my brother and myself, as well as our respective spouses. Nobu has ever been my protector and guardian, my kind and caring elder brother. He has often been the one to encourage my ventures in scholastics, allowing me the time and support to pursue my love of learning. But for him, I might not have made my journey to where I am today! For this I stand loyal to my brother, loyal enough to follow him to this new home!

Aurorine, my brother's wife, is one of my closest friends. It was I who introduced them, and love seemed to blossom almost instantly. We are as sisters, sharing our secrets and whispers, as well as providing mutual support for each other through all trials and uncertainty.

Dokara joined our family as my husband. After Nobu requested that he escort me through the Mythic Dog cave, we found ourselves somewhat reluctantly in love. I was not so sure I liked his way of pushing my through the cave where I was frightened to venture, though there was an undeniable spark. At the time my marriage to another had been recently arranged, and it seemed bound to be. Later finding myself abandoned by the one to whom I had previously sworn myself, it was Dokara who I found standing beside me, kindly listening to my pain and tears. With his great patience and care, and with great time, we became engaged. Upon our marriage he agreed to become a part of the Fujihara family, to stand as one with our small, but close, family.

So today I stand as sister to Nobu and Aurorine, and as wife to Dokara, and these are the people whom I call family, and whom I wish to be recognized as being tied to in the eyes of all who might see.


~Fujihara Jasna