Berig     Created on Sunday, 19 November 2006 06:21  
     As a young boy (about the age of twelve), I grew up in the walls outside of Buya. I don't remember much about my parents and our house, except the scent of the open fields in which we lived upon. One day I was awoken by a strange scent and a loud "bang." When I opened my eyes I saw my mother screaming and telling me to hide, so I jumped under my bed. I heard my father screaming out for help right before hearing a loud scream of agony. My mother still shivering tries to block the door as I hide under my bed not aware of what is going on, as if it is a nightmare. Before I could even breath, the door to my room broke open and a huge man came into the room with an axe killing my mother on sight. As I watch her fall to the ground, I remember myself screaming out in anger and jumping out from under the bed as I begin to attack the huge man with my fists brightning, right before he rises his axe in the air.
      A week later I awoke near the river bed next to a strange man who appeared to have saved me as far as I knew. He asked for my name and I hesitated before saying "..Jann." The man said "Hello Jann, you can call me Mr. Fog." I smirked and crawled next to a tree to lean against it. Closing my eyes to rethink what happened I asked him "Do you know what happened to me?" As he stirs his food over a small fire he replies "Well, I heard a loud scream from a small home. So, I ran over as fast as possible only to find the home on fire and you passed out within it." The next day I was feeling much better so, I thanked the man and told him that I must get going. He said "Jann, if you ever need anything.. you know where to find me." I nodded as I walked off with my face hidden looking toward the ground.

       Within the next years I was one of the selected few to become part of the legendary "KSG" for showing how I can handle myself within a one on one battle. Although I managed to impress them, I still had much to learn. As time grew I began to get stronger and stronger until one day while traveling past the river bed, I noticed that there was a ceremony or gathering of some sort. So, I went over to check it out. When I arrived, it was a funeral for the man that once saved my life. I looked at him and sighed right before someone began to nudge my shoulder. I turned around and unwielding my blood to the man's throat. The man said "That's not a good idea, just put it away." I noticed that I was outnumbered so I put the blood back in my coat right before the man said "My name's Oxon Fog, what's your business here?" I replied "This man once saved my life, I was coming back to return the favor."

        After speaking I shook my head and started to walk away before hearing Oxon say "Wait, you say you owe him a favor right? Well, I have an offer for you..." I replied with a "..Hrm..?" Then he said "I'd like you to join our family and I and i'm sure our father would have wanted you too as well." Looking at the man, I replied "Well, I do owe him a life..."