Berig     Created on Wednesday, 11 January 2006 00:59  
My name is gooshoo. At the beginning of my life I had a wonderful family with a caring mother who helped me become who I am now. I never came to know who my father was, my mother kept this a secret from me. I always believed it was because he was either a terrible man or she was afraid I'd lead the same life he did. Many days I stayed up wondering about him, but after a while I figured it was best just to move on. My mother was sucha wonderful person always there to help me and give me guidance in everything that I needed her excellent wisdom on. I had a rough time making friends because I was so different from everyone else. I don't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing, but none the less something that I had to live with. I loved to fish, and my mother supported this taking me to the creek whenever she had spare time just because she prided herself on keeping her children happy.

After I was only 8 yuris old, our family went to war with another and she was killed, leaving me to fend for myself. I was lost and forgotten.

I traveled alone looking for a reason to go on. I couldn't find one. I survived solely on fishing for food, and occasionally the gourmet meal of a rabbit if I could catch one. I lived mostly in forests sheltered by trees... eventually teaching myself how to make a crude roof over my head to shelter me from the harsh seasons. I layed awake at night wishing I was more fortunate to at least have a small house to live in and a wife to come home to. But alas this obviously wasn't what I was destined to have. I found a few injured deer which I butchered to make clothes for myself and have a feast. This was the the luckiest day of my life ever since my mother was gone. This was a long time ago and thus the clothes have become very tattered and worn.

I was nearing the end of my time to keep trying and simply wanted to give up. Right then, I looked up and saw a camp with 3 people happily sitting around a campfire. They all looked strangely familiar. I asked them if I could sit down. They agreed with smirks. I lived with these wonderful people for another year... at the new year's eve they told me something that shock me forever. They were all brothers that had their mother killed in a feud with another family. I told them this was the exact thing that happened to my mother, but they had already known this. We were all brothers and would live together as so for the rest of our lives. That night I came to lead them as the eldest brother.

Later another brother stumbled upon us by the name of Oxon. He was valiant and trustworthy and the brother that I entrusted to lead us after I became to old.

I thank my family every day, because without them... I wouldn't be here today.
