Sway     Created on Monday, 27 October 2008 23:49  
  The second daughter of Endsong, I've been the girl who always wanted to play with the boys. I've been described as feisty and scrappy. I always seemed to get along better with my brothers than with my two sisters. While I understand perfectly what it means to be feminine and what a lady of a noble house ought to behave like... but my blessed Baekho, that would be just so dreadfully boring!

  Shortly after our uncle's betrayal, I immediately took up fencing. It's been a hobby of mine now for some time. At my school, I've been offered a teaching job multiple times but always politely refuse, as I'm not interested in keeping schedules and appointments and catering to the pampered brats of other Nangen royalty.

  What I have become interested in those is quite the opposite. Whilst I was having some time to myself out in the wilderness, I caught sight of an amazing spectacle. A mighty, proud buck came walking up to the river to drink directly across the water from me. I had never seen such an amazing creature so close before. But just as the buck lowered his head to take his first, cool sip, he became intensely alert and began to dart off back into the woods. Shortly after it were three darkly-clad individuals wearing mainly dark greens and browns. They were tracking down the animal and attempting to run it down into exhaustion, an ancient tactic of tracking and hunting, I came to find out through a brief conversation with one of these "Rangers".

  The focus and drive of these Rangers immediately captivated me. I was given the name of a Guide of their order and told that if I was interested in learning a thing or two, as the Ranger I spoke with so nonchalantly put it, I should send him a letter as he was accepting students currently.

  I don't know what future walks I may take in the wilderness to get away from everything but something tells me I'll never have one as exciting as I did that day, sitting across the stream from the buck who led me down the path I can't ignore now...

  - Sway Endsong
      Second daughter of Endsong