Berig     Created on Saturday, 30 April 2005 18:39  
  History for Diskord Byron-Dorkus

I was the second child of farmers. The first, UberNinja is recently deceased. My parents lived on the outskirts of Buya, my mother a former resident of Han, and my father second generation of a westerner.

I served in the Buyan army under Princess Lahsan for a short time before committing myself to the ways of peace and Geomancy. While doing extensive study of the words and thoughts of Lao-Tzu I met many wonderful folk, amongst them members of the Destiny clan, which I later joined.

One day I was ambushed by massive amounts of starving tigers, and from seemingly nowhere Hatsuhara appeared to free me from their grasps. After that time we were inseparable and learned much from one another, fighting together side by side. Many a day has Hatsu come to my aid in matters great and small, and so it seemed only natural in the end that we become BloodBrothers, an oath that was forged by the great Barbarian LordOfWars.

My role in the Dorkus family is karma reader, playwriter, emo poet and keeper of the Balance and other Taoist knowledge. I have always been more of an avid listener of the tales passed down from Maximus to Demachi, rather than a teller.
