Berig     Created on Friday, 10 February 2006 00:12  
  At current count, I have 120 individual children. Prolific am I not? And I still look quite good if I say so myself. Childbirth has not taken a toll on my figure!

You look astonished sir! Do you not believe me? I promise you it is quite true. So if I were you sir, I would slowly lower that riding crop that you were about to use on that young lad there. You see, he is one of mine, and should any harm come to him I would take it out on your hide, threefold.

Of course, of course, I understand that you meant no harm. There is no need to bluster until you're red in the face. You thought him a common thief, I understand.

And just so you don't experience any more "confusion" let me take you around, and let me introduce you to my immediate family, the Curies. Good gracious, you have grown strangely pale. Come, there is nothing to fear. Let me introduce you to my red-haired crew!

See that young lady there? She dozes under the tree. That is Buke, a daughter of my household and if your lecherous eyes stay on her too long I'll pluck them out with my chopsticks!

And that goes for Alizarin too, you see her there gathering sheep with Mountaindew. Endotime is not home yet, but I assure you were he here, he would be as eager as I am to make your acquaintance. And he would be MOST interested in learning how you came to raise your whip on his son.

Oh? You were merely pointing with it, I understand now.

Heh? What was that? You wish to know why my children look nothing like me? Well you see sir, I didn't actually give birth to all of them. I'm more of a kind of - den mother, so to speak. You see, we are drawn together by fate and circumstance. For example, Buke there. I met her when she was quite young, and misfortune had already taken a great toll on her. She was small and vulnerable, but quite fearless and independent. My heart went out to her immediately and she became like my very own child.

Alizarin too, the little scamp has seen more trouble in her young life than you could ever imagine.

Which is why sir, you see, I won't stand for anyone abusing them. Or even thinking about abusing them. Do you need a chair sir? You seem a little unsteady.

Where are the other 116 children you ask? Well, to be on the safe side, I'd suggest you stay far away from anyone with red hair that you happen to come upon. Chances are they are in Alizarin Clan too, and I would defend all...with my life.