Berig     Created on Friday, 14 October 2005 19:38  
I am Sulsa-Do RCMP, head of the Can-Nuk family. My origins are with the Nukoric family, long ago in Hausson. Trained in the art of combat by Monchichi and declared a weapon master by Mitsurigi, I was a member of the Do path, trained in their ways. I stood beside my family in the great battles that enshrouded our village, protecting them along with our great friends, the Canotra family.

Leading a small group through the enemy, we broght ourselves into a great wall of the foe. Swords drawn, we fought as best as we could, but were overwhelmed. We were forced to withdraw.

I was the only one from the group that returned, running back towards my home to find my family, to make our escape. Finding a few surviving members, we collected what we could carry and rushed outside to find members of the Nukoric family doing the same. Together, we disappeared into the woods.

For yuri's we wandered, living off the forest. As time progressed, I was silently recognized as the head of the Nukoric family, protecting them and looking out for them. While I was not the oldest, younger than my brother JetBooster, he didn't seem to have an issue with my role.

While still divided as the Canotra and Nukoric families, we all treated eachother as if members of our own family, then one day I proposed we merged as one. Without amy disagreements, we formed what would be the great Can-Nuk family, and the Canotra recognized my leadership. I became the head of the Can-Nuk family, a family known for its strength, friendships, honorable and compassionate nature, and efforts for peace.

One morning, I saw a great tree over the horizon. For reasons unknown, I led the Can-Nuk family towards it. We were weary from all our travels, but pressed on. As it drew nearer,our spirits raised as we crossed through the great Northern gate of Kugnae, and over to our tree by the gate(At 118/12). I gathered my sword along side my might, and carved our name with pride on the great tree, making it a member of our own family, as it had led us to what would be our new home. It now bore the markings making it our own, proudly displaying the Can-Nuk family name.

We settled here, and to this day we all remain. While we have gone off to our own paths, clans and ways, we remain, and always will remain, a family.

                                Be well,
