Berig     Created on Tuesday, 07 February 2006 15:54  
  :Beotkkot Family  
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The Beotkkot Family Story

The lives of mankind cannot compare to the Gods, for they are in eternal bloom - neverending, stagnant. Mankind will fade away, our lives will inevitably end...but we can take our time and ride gracefully upon the winds while in full bloom.

In time we will return to these lands, and continue to bloom. As the spring comes, and the winter ends. The beauty in life is in what you make of it - and take the blessings that have been given to us and repay them with our everyday doings.

In the tongue of our people, "beotkkot"...the cherry blossom. Like our lives it's period of bloom is short - but incredibly touching and gorgeous. It is for this reason that our family name was chosen, and will forever be known as "Beotkkot".

In the beginning, I was but a young peasant wandering through the streets of the Buyan city confused and lost. At this time I cannot remember my birth parents, for the only items I had with me in my earliest memories were a silk ribbon and a small golden pendant marked with the characters for "Love" and "Wind" upon each side. Inscribed upon the soft metal of the pendant, besides the words...tiny little blossoms etched into the gold.

It was hard, in youth...but I followed my heart and stayed true to the path it pointed out to me, and it has led me to this point in my life. I will never act rash, I have learned to search deep down and listen to myself and rationalize.

In my many years, walking these lands and even travelling far I have bonded with quite a few people; some friendships that lasted for a few weeks until I left the village, and some have been with me since birth. In truth, it is a similar way of thinking that has brought forth these long lasting friendships...and it is through this, that I have found those
who will be known as Beotkkot family members.

Gathering together with good friends, this family has been started and will continue to grow - upwards toward the sunlit heavens and against the harshest winds. Our roots will grow deep, sturdy within the soil and founded in values. We have been together for some time, or perhaps only just met - but as head of the family, I am well aware of who shares our values,

A kind-heart found within each member, with love for all things.

First and foremost, in our hearts is nature. From this we all begin, and for this we must recognize it - and continue to search for the beauty in everything, including ourself. Looking deep within our spirits we will find the strength to go forth into the world and work hard through struggles...whatever the Gods have placed in our path, we will be grateful for these opportunities for growth.

o` Balanced
o` Growth - Body, Spirit, Mind

We will work to devote ourselves to the Gods, and the Spirits (not all of us have been brought into the eyes of the Spirits as Shaman, but we all understand the importance of those who came before us) - some of us work as tradesman and crafters, while some work as scholars. There is never an end to our growth, and we will always seek the sunlight.

We will be carried by the warm winds, in our short lives...but what beautiful existances they will be, as our petals grace the lands and shower all in their splendor.


Beotkkot Family Founder