Berig     Created on Tuesday, 22 March 2005 16:17  
  So you wish to know of my life? Well i may not tell you everything there is to know, but here is a bit on how i came into my family

I am nobility from a small province to the west. I was the daughter of a Duke. I was brought up studing the magical ways. My nurse, a portly woman in her mid fifties had made sure that i studied the old ways of the seers. Late nights and nightmareish visions plagued my childhood.

"Focus my child"

"I am" I replied in a whiny voice.

"Shhhh, to tell me you are is to not"

I focused on the small pool of water in front of me. Visions of the world around me came rushing in. I was in a lake, not swimming but under the surface. I could breathe just fine. A glint in the water caught my eye. A sword of Fire, Pure fire. It glowed a hue i had never seen before, i reached out to grab it, take it for my own.

Just then my concentration was broken by a door being splintered.

"TRAITOR!!!" Bellowed my father.

"You shall not take her, she will be who she was meant to be" Cried my nurse.

Chanting quickly she cast a gateway spell on myself and her. We both landed with a hard thud on the grounds. We were near the eastern gate of Koguryo.

"What happened?" I asked, tears welling.

"My darling Blier" said Nurse "Where you come from, the ways of the seer are outlawed, i tried to raise you the way you should be, but it is not allowed. Here in this land continue your studies and you will be who you were meant to be."

"Who am i meant to be?" I asked.

Nurse only smiled and vanished into thin air. Now I continue the path of the seer. You can mostly find me at the Eastern Koguryo gate, awaiting Nurse, finding out who i am meant to be.

It was here in Koguryo I met my true love RevJak. He brought be into the LostKingdom Clan. I met many of his family, Baltzen, Gnoff, Selune, DarkWolfe, Violation.

Within a week we were engaged and then wed. I changed my name to Balitang and have been close to this family ever since. I am the Great grandaughter of Gnoff, married in by RevJak.