Berig     Created on Saturday, 11 June 2005 17:05  
  It was a spring day in the 65th year of our great King Yuri. T'was a fine day actually, that afternoon had a nice look about it. The color of the sky had a unique combination of red and orange, just the kind one might admire in a Muse painting. But even though the day looked pretty much normal, in fact, this was not the case. Just North of the Buyan inns were heard loud noises. The wind blew so hard in a certain area of Buya that trees began to ~CRACKLE~. All these noises also changed the beatiful weather. From being a nice quite afternoon the sky turned purple and spirits were seen across the land. To some, these spirits were just rambling nonsense-"AYKSEPAL AYKSEPAL!". But to a few old citizens this was an ancient Warrior tongue which had not been spoken since the time of the Shattering.
This event caused great turmoil in the community. A huge sector of the community, the newly rich, didn't pay much attention to the matter. They dismissed it as another failed attempt of some Shaman to restore an old being. Others were very concerned about the ramblings of the spirits. The Buyan Ministry held several public renuions in which people could pose some solutions to these threats. One on of these reunions an old woman just spoke two words...-"Old Spirit!"- and then vanished. The community was even more in panic and began preparing for what some called a second Shattering.
Never the less, while preparing for this word got out of Buya and spread through the Wilderness into Koguryo and Nagnang. Rumor had it that some evil spirit of old would come and terrorize the cities. As everybody prepared for a huge battle that some were sure would ensue, the Kogurian Ministry summoned the old clan houses into secret meetings. These meetings were, of course, secret because they had once attempted to overthrow King Yuri and obtain all of the kingdoms power for themselves. Only one clan house attended, The Baenre House.
The meeting was conducted on a secret passage way in one of King Yuri's hideouts. The people present in the meeting were Mhul as a representative of King Yuri, Mals leader of the Baenre House and three guard of the Kingdom. The environment was a little bit tense since the guards and Prince Mhul knew that Mals of the Baenre could take them all out in a single whip of his relentless Blood. Time went on as slow as the birth of a new butterfly. You could feel everyone sweating when suddenly Mals breaks the silence...-"I have been to the site Prince. I know what the spirits are muttering. They are calling out an "Old Spirit""- Mhul enraged and scared at the same moment replied-"I know that!!". There was a short moment of silence and the guards exchanged looks between themselves and made some movements as if they were becoming ready to storm an army. Mals kindly bows and replies with a nod.
After some time of conversations Mals had finall told the Prince what had happened a couple of days ago and the Prince was shcoked... -"WHAT! You have taken who?!?. The Prince of Koguryo was astonished when he learned that Mals of the Baenre had a newborn baby in his House in the outskirts of the city. The problem was that this baby was no ordinary baby, this was the spirit of old of which the spirits were talking about. Mals had taken the little baby because it had the mark of the Legendary Warrior LimDul. This had upset the spirits because it created a serious unbalance in the forces of the ethereal and real worlds. After that meeting the Baenre house arranged for a group of select Shaman to go and do the necesary rituals to please the spirits so no more harm would be done.
As it turned out, the young warrior Mals encountered by accident and took into his home turned out to be a reincarnation of LimDul's soul. He had everything, his memories, fighting style and knowlege. The only thing the young warrior was lacking was his brawn.
But I live again... I am...reborn.