Berig     Created on Tuesday, 08 February 2005 16:55  

Long and longer ago, there was a far away land in the west, named Esperana, the colourful land of many different religions and culture influences, but also the land of hot blooded people and misunderstandings, who's differences caused sorrows, pain and everlasting wars among her dwellers. I was born one stormy day in the Summer of Yuri 52, in a tiny room behind an Inn, by a reckless young mother, who's exact name I never knew. Not that she didn't have a name, oh yes; she has so many names that I couldn't say which one is right. She was a careless creature, without any sense of motherhood, so I was grew up mainly in the streets of a distant city called Al-Rassan, without some real chance to get know my mother, "everybody's darling." For that reason is understandable that I never met my father and I never even knew who he was, and I must say that I strongly doubt my mother ever did could be anyone of a number of "fair" men who accompanied my mother in long nights full of wine and laughter, sounds which make my earliest memory from a dirty small room behind an Inn.

Since my mother was never in the mood to share her time with me, I spent most of my time wandering through dusty streets and doing nothing constructive. Because I was always hungry (there wasn't such a thing like breakfast, lunch or dinner in my world at that time) I learned early on how to craftily steal, in order to get something to eat and how to trick people by sweet talking and lovely entertaining of a young girl...I am not proud of that, but hey, what else would a hungry abandoned child alone on the street do? I was also a constant target of laughing and evil words on account of my mother as well as on account of my ragged clothes and dirty face and that caused me to get into countless fights and combats, and since I was always angry and of a fiery temper, no one stayed without some blue marks from my side for these nasty remarks. From there also came my name - SoliTa, alone, as I was always alone and unwanted.

One day, my mother simply disappeared, without any word to me or to anyone I know. I stayed alone and desperate, no matter, she never gave me any real warmth or caring, even though, she was my mother and I loved her a lot Despised by the community, without anyone I could call my own, I left that lair of fake kindness and pretend smiles and chose to roam to the East, to the famous Kingdom of the Winds, a land of opportunities and new chances, where no one knew me and I didn't know anyone...but life is rarely kind to a young girl alone in the world, so I was disappointed and tortured during this long journey, as hunger, loneliness and tiredness were my only companions...death was sniffing at me more and more daring with each day, and I was about to let her win over me...when a Caravan of brave Merchants from Buya found me beside the dusty road, this kind man and his suit took me with them to their final destination, their home in the mighty and prosperous Buya.

They took care of my wounds and let me get a good rest, during which, they treated me as a dearest friend and not a stranger found by the road. When I started to feel better, I noticed they spoke in the language of my country, which surprised me greatly indeed! The whole family, these kind people, were also from far Esperana by origins, dwelling in Buya, Kingdom of the Winds for many generations, they accepted me as a member of their own family and taught me the customs and told me new exciting lore and knowledge of my new home. The elders of the family, old and wise Anamchara Torra and her devoted husband, noble Sir Damedus, became my grand-parents, with their brothers Karuna Rommeo, HwarangDo Trystan, and wise teacher Haien-Sa SemperF and cheerful sisters Karuna Isolda, jolly Trades(wo)man Juliette and grumpy Savage lady USMC who are now my uncles and aunts and their numerous children, Geomancer MaldiTa, witty Spy BoniTa, honourable Sonbae HariMau are now my beloved sisters and brothers, with the jewel of them all, young Merchant SoliTo, who became my soul mate and my twin-heart, not just by name but also a deep and sincere love we share in marriage today.

Some of them still travel often to the Esperana, be it Merchant business, to entertain or just for the love of the journey and to help their fellow men (especially my Monk relatives) and spend time in the old country trying to help in diplomacy, dialogue and improving conditions amongst it's dwellers, by sharing the knowledge, wisdom and experience they gained during they life here, in the prosperous Kingdom of the Winds, because this splendid family has their members in each and every class and circle and serve as Kindred in Lost Kingdom and Dharma clans of Buya, hard work and true dedication to higher goals were never strange to them at no field. So today, I am not alone anymore, my dream of happiness and bliss came true in this new world, and I was blessed with wonderful children, my lovely daughters Tilindra, Elindra, Aerinna and Caleigh, and my baby boy Tora, who are also happily married today and, who knows...maybe will give me pinky-cheek grandchildren one of these days *smiles.*

In order to honour the touch of fate and great luck that life brought to me so unexpectedly and with such generosity and spirituality, something that I never ever dared to think of, I would like to share that thought, that cognition with my dearest ones and with whole wide world by showing clearly we are the strong, loving and devoted family, once long ago strangers, but today all well known and respected citizens of the generous Kingdom of the Winds, the family who came from far away West, and would never forget it...the Family De Al-Rassan. From that reason, I would ask you kindly, fair Sir, to take my humble request into consideration and if lady Fortune would be generous again, recognize this family worth of your time and brand.
I will wait in silence and patience to your possible answer in that matter,

In meantime, be well and safe, dear Sir,

With best regards,

SoliTa Gitana De Al-Rassan

~*Cheerful Druidess of Fiery Spirit*~