saint     Created on Monday, 16 February 2009 05:53  
        - a rogue wearing dark, richly adorned robes
        and a white bandito over his face walks up
        to the  table  and sits  down cross-legged -

         - he pulls down his bandito, revealing
           a short  beard, and  begins to speak -

        My story ... it has been many  Yuris since
        I  myself thought about it, and  I  do not
        think I have ever once  recalled  it aloud.
        'saint,' they  call  me ... That,  however,
        is not my name. My name is  Akiharu Addams.

        I was born in Yuri 77, Fall, the twin of a
        brother  named  Vheissu Addams. Yes,  Yuri
        was  getting older  then, and  Koguryo was
        changing. My  brother and  I  saw from  an
        early  age that we needed to get  to  work
        immediately.  Throughout the Fall of  Yuri
        77, we did all of our minor duties. I also
        pursued  a path, however. A  line  of work,
        we can call it. That is the reason I began
        going  by  this name, the reason  my  true
        ancestry has never been shown.
        Things were going well for my  brother and
        I. My work was going well as  planned, and
        I was training constantly with my  brother.
        This  continued  until  Yuri 81, the  Yuri
        I left  Koguryo, and  would not  come back
        for  many moons. My elder brother,  COFfan,
        had  to travel far away from  Koguryo, for
        reasons  I  cannot disclose. He  had great
        strength, but his  teachings did not agree
        with violence, so I was to accompy him for
        the voyage.

        The journey was  completed with only minor
        setbacks and ambushes, an easy trip. After
        I parted ways with COFfan, though, I found
        and  befriended  a  man they called  'Rom.'
        Judging by his character, I  would be very
        surprised  if that were his real name. His
        name is not important, though. Rom learned
        of the work I did and  decided to  take me
        in as his student. Rom was a master of the
        art  of 'fawce,'  a form  of  manipulation
        that  focuses on  systematically  breaking  
        down the  mind of one  person for  control.
        After learning  and  excelling  under  Rom,
        I began working in the distant lands, soon
        becoming  very  successful.  During  these
        times, my brother and I always remained in
        contact. In  Hyul 7 he formerly joined the
        ranks  of the  Addams  Ancestry, under the
        current  Head, our  Elder  brother  Lancin.
        Shortly after, he decided to take the trip
        I did to pay me a visit. After meeting Rom
        and  learning of  what I had become  there,
        he decided to take an extended stay to see
        what  we could  accomplish  together. What
        would happen in the following Hyul's would
        go  down in  history  in those  lands. The
        three  of  us,  Vheissu,  Rom, and  myself,
        helped start one of the greatest groups of
        revolutionaries and intellectuals  ever to
        created. Hinged  on  the  collaboration of
        Rom and  another  rogue named  Venoxis, we
        were  all very successful. We would remain
        with that group until Hyul 17, Fall,  when
        Vheissu would receive a letter from Rogule,
        our acting messenger.

        The  letter, from a   family friend  named
        Efren,  carried the news of  the  death of
        our elder brother  Lancin, current Head of
        Addams. This  meant  that because  Vheissu
        was the only direct descendant  officially
        recorded in the  family, he was to  assume
        Head of Addams  Ancestry. We  were  forced
        to leave our close friends, and return  to

    - the rogue gets up and leaves the room for a moment,
      returning with some  tea. he takes a sip and sighs -

             - the rogue sets the cup down
               and begins  to  speak again -

         My brother and I arrived back in Koguryo
         in Hyul 18, Spring. While my brother was
         off to take care of  family business and
         locate it's members, I married my former
         lover  and  contacted  my old  employers.
         I was  hired  again  almost  immediately,
         and have since grown significantly in my
         work  using the  art I learned from  Rom.

         Meanwhile,  Vheissu was quick to get our
         Ancestry in order. He has been named the
         new  Head of Addams Ancestry, and  I  am
         finally  filling my place in the  Addams
         Family tree. I am Akiharu Addams, one of
         two  younger  brothers  to  former  Head
         Lancin  Addams, twin brother to  Current
         Assumed Head of Addams Ancestry, Vheissu

  - the rogue gets up, tying his bandito on as he leaves -

                 ,`, Akiharu  Addams
                  `       'saint'